Daily Slave
September 6, 2015

The ape emperor of Jewmerica Barack Obongo Obozo decided to visit Alaska this week. During this time, he took up some very critical tasks that are of the utmost importance to the country.
He officially changed the name of the highest mountain in North America previously called Mount McKinley in honor of the former President William McKinley. This was needed because anything associated with men of White European descent must be erased from our culture since it is hateful and mean spirited.
He also viewed melting ice cubes in the ocean as a way to claim that climate change is real and that because of this we need to make sure all of our manufacturing jobs which creates pollution are sent to China and other third world countries.
Most importantly he hung out with reality television star Bear Grylls to learn survival skills.
Clearly, all of these things are far more important than issues like the on-going invasion of Europe and the horrible economy. I would like to commend this highly intelligent monkey President for his forward thinking approach on issues that are affecting our great country of Jewmerica.
A wildlife spot in Dillingham, Alaska, where Barack Obama touched down as part of a stopover visit intended to highlight the damaging effects of climate change, has been renamed the Bearack Viewing Area in his honour.
The bear in question is of the four-legged variety. But it is another unlikely alliance between Bear and Barack that has more vividly captured the public attention. Obama also used his trip to Alaska to trek through the wilderness and be taught survival techniques by Bear Grylls, the British television presenter and survival expert. The encounter will form part of a new series, Running Wild With Bear Grylls, and will be aired later this year on the NBC network.
It marks an extraordinary coup for Grylls, 41, an Old Etonian father of three, who lives on a remote Welsh island and is known for combining a profound love of risk with a streak of distinctly British eccentricity. A former SAS reservist and the son of a Conservative MP, Grylls is one of the youngest men to climb Mount Everest. He also once circumnavigated the British Isles on a jet-ski and rowed naked in a bathtub along the Thames to raise funds for charity.