Barcelona: Spanish Women Demand More Islamic Rapists

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2017

Barcelona, in my view, is one of the most lovely towns on earth. In fact, it may be the most lovely town.

So it is especially sad to see it buried with non-white filth, as the women there are presently demanding be done.


Up to half a million activists have flooded the streets of Barcelona demanding the government in Madrid lives up to the EU-set refugee quota and welcome thousands more of asylum seekers into the country.

“Enough Excuses! Take Them In Now!” and “No More Deaths, Open The Borders!” slogans have been heard since 4 pm in Barcelona when hundreds of thousands gathered in support of the refugees.

While Guàrdia Urbana, the municipal police, placed the number of protesters at 160,000 people, the organizers “Casa Nostra, Casa Vostra” insisted around 500,000 people attended the event.

Footage from the scene showed crowds stretching for miles as thousands wearing blue clothes and holding blue banners walked from the center of the city to the Mediterranean sea, where scores of migrants perish trying to make it to Europe.

Organizers said the demonstration, dubbed “Volem Acollir” (We Welcome), was organized to demand “change in European politics about borders and refugees.”

The activists want Madrid to honor it’s 2015 pledge to welcome 17,337 refugees in Spain by the end of 2017 from camps in Italy, Greece, Turkey and Libya. So far the country has only accepted some 1,100 refugees as part of the deal.

“There is an ample consensus in Catalonia to demand that the (government’s) commitments are upheld,” organizer Ruben Wagensberg, told the Associated Press.

Pretty sure “Wagensberg” isn’t a Spanish name.

I don’t know if he’s Jewish or not. But one would assume he would be.

And of course, when I say “women demand,” I don’t mean it is all women. There are some men. But as is the case with all of these protests, it is clearly about 80% women, just at a glance. And that is an issue – one of the issues the Daily Stormer supports a quick and brutal revocation of all “women’s rights.”

Because the fact that one or a couple women don’t support the destruction of our society, or the fact that one or a couple men do, doesn’t change the statistical reality that women are several times more likely to support it.

For example, in this picture, there are ten people with their hands on the sign visible, and 8 of them are women:

In fact, they specifically included a “women’s march” as part of the larger pro-invasion march, wearing those venereal hats they wore against Trump.

This indicates that women view immigration as a specifically women’s issue.

I wonder why?

Presumably, it’s because all feminism is is an attempt to destroy white men, so obviously the mass-import of foreigners serves that agenda.

We also have the disturbing fact that while the overwhelming majority of whites promoting immigration into Europe are women, the overwhelming majority of non-whites coming into Europe are men.

I guess you can add that equation up yourself.

And with the fact that there are men at the marches – how many of the men at these marches are just there because they know it is a place they can meet single women, or because their controlling girlfriends demanded they come along? If you factor in those factors, the number of men who are willing to go out in the street and demand the society be utterly destroyed becomes statistically zero.

You just end up with an army of empowered women being directed by Wagensberg.

Women didn’t build Barcelona. Men did. They should have no say in this. If women want to give something to the Africans, they can bake them cakes and mail then to Africa.