“This is the saddest public recant since Mel Gibson apologized to the Jews.” –Andrew Anglin
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 30, 2013

The Italian pasta chief, Guido Barilla, of Barilla Pasta, who heroically stood up to the homosexual agenda last week when he announced that his company would never feature homosexual families in advertisement, as that was against his value system, and if people didn’t like it they could buy different pasta, has cracked under the pressure of the homosexual hate-campaign against him.
Barilla’s comments, made Thursday on the Italian radio program La Zanzara (The Mosquito), were hardly hardcore; he simply stated that he believed the traditional family was an integral part of society, and he would continue to support it. He even went so far as to endorse gay marriage, stipulating that he merely took issue with the right of gays to adopt children.
Today, he apologized, saying that he would meet with the gay groups “that best represent the evolution of the family, including those who have been offended by my words.”
He also posted a shameful and disgusting video apology on the website of the family-owned pasta company.
The ability to force individuals to publicly denounce their personal value system is an astonishingly awesome power held only by a few select groups, which include the homosexual and Jewish communities (the two are, in fact, intrinsically connected, often indistinguishable from one another). We might note how strange it is that these two groups, which constantly preach tolerance, equality and so on, are completely incapable and unwilling to tolerate or allow equal representation for those who disagree with them, even if that disagreement is simply an unwillingness to directly embrace their bizarre and anti-human agenda of deconstructing the foundations of Western Civilization.