Baseball Nigger Sammy Sosa Bleaches His Skin to Honor the Aryan Master Race

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
November 16, 2017

He’s going full Michael Jackson. Never go full Michael Jackson.

Following the success of the Alt-Right, as well as the spreading of our memes, the whole world is embracing the ideals of White supremacy.

Men and women who lived their whole lives in ignorance, believing that they were “proud African-Americans” are now realizing in shock that they’re actually “niggers,” and seeking ways to remedy the situation.

While some naively hoped that this would result in said “niggers’ educating themselves and abandoning their crack-dealing, drive-by shooting, chimpout rioting ways, the melanin-infused humanoids instead focused all their attention on mimicking our superficial physical features.

Enter the skin whitening creams.

A White-colored ape is, alas, still an ape.

The Blacks who are more deeply committed to the “nigger lifestyle,” however, consider this new direction to be deeply disturbing, and that it constitutes a “betrayal” of their tribal values.


Sammy Sosa hates himself and that’s why he’s turning himself whiter … that’s according to T.I. who went in on the ex-MLB star when we got him out at LAX.

Sammy’s complexion has very obviously changed over the years. We can only find one interview where he addressed it — from 2009 — saying the lightening was an unexpected result of a skin softening cream.

But T.I. ain’t buyin’ Sammy’s excuse — shaking his head and saying it was more about “self-hate” than moisturizing.

If you don’t know what Tip means, he’s referring to the idea that black people who bleach their skin are doing it to fit in with a European beauty standard and are selling out their race, something a lot of black people think is despicable.

A lot of Blacks find it despicable? Those people are better known as “haters.”

They only hatin’ on these players ’cause they jealous of the mad pussy they pullin’ with their pristine ivory skin.

Looks Huwhite to me. Well, not really. But I’ll give it an E for effort.

While Alt-Right figures acknowledge that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, they are nevertheless concerned that widespread efforts by the colored hordes to whiten their skins could complicate efforts to “deport them all.”

“We were planning on using these color cards to sort people, you know, like the paint samplers at Home Depot? Now we’ll have to figure something else out. It’s kind of a bummer,” journalist Adrian Sol told us in an interview.

He later suggested using mass spectrometers ( “electronic noses”) to detect the former darkies according to smell.

One thing’s for sure: it’s good to be White.