BASED Antifa Tranny in Family Guy Sweatshirt BRUTALLY ASSAULTS a Renegade Nigger!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 12, 2017

Witness, my friends, the most BASED antifa tranny you’ve ever witnessed.

In Portland this week, a group of antifa were on “niggerpatrol,” marching against “niggerdom and the proliferation of niggerism,” when they came upon a wild, roaming nigger.

BASED ANTIFA TRANNY wasn’t having none of that.

He got in the nigger’s face and called him “FASH,” which is an acronym for “Filthy Ape Shitskin Hominid.”

When the nigger refused to board the next flight to Liberia after a brief exchange of profanity, the BASED tranny attacked.

The others could be heard yelling “get the fuck off of her” – because seriously, who hits a woman?

As I have recently read on highly intellectual websites, such as Counter Currents, only sociopaths and niggers would ever hit a woman.

Real men – the true whites, such as antifa niggerpatrol, know that you have to treat women with respect. After all, in pagan religions, we honored the beauty of Aryan Princesses, and society was run by women.

And that, my friends, is what is wrong with the WHITE SHARIA LAW meme.