Based Aussie Politician Wants “Final Solution” to the Moslem Problem

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 15, 2018

I always knew that the Aussies had some fight still left in them.


An Australian MP has raised ire of fellow lawmakers after he called in his maiden speech to seek a “final solution” to Muslim immigration. The notorious term dates back to Nazi policy of the Holocaust.

Senator Fraser Anning of the right-wing Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) found himself in hot water over his inflammatory anti-Muslim maiden speech he delivered in the parliament. Claiming that Muslim Australians are unable to integrate, he said adherents of Islam “do not work and live on welfare,” and bring the threat of terrorism.

Fanning fears of Muslim immigrants “stealing jobs” and “sympathizing with Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS],” Anning offered: “The final solution to the immigration problem is, of course, a popular vote. We don’t need a plebiscite to cut immigration numbers; we just need a government that is willing to institute a sustainable population policy.”

Yeah, so obviously a bit out of context… but whatever. Context doesn’t matter anymore. We live in a world of soundbytes… and memes.

So just roll with it.

The words used by Anning usually refer to the Nazi policy of genocide carried out against the Jews during the Holocaust. At that time, ensuring the “final solution” (Endlosung) of the so-called “Jewish question” was the backbone of the Third Reich’s actions on occupied lands.

Unsurprisingly, local politicians produced a range of angry statements lambasting Anning’s language.

“Australia is the most successful multicultural society in the world built on a foundation of mutual respect. We reject and condemn racism in any form,” Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Twitter.

Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Alan Tudge, said Senator Anning’s comments did not reflect the views of the Government or the views “of fair-minded Australians.” The country “will always maintain a non-discriminatory immigration program,” he tweeted. 

Cue the cucking.

Whatever man. This guy is obviously based and a shitlord.

Later, Anning denied making any reference to the Holocaust and refused to bring apologies. “I don’t regret anything. I am not going to apologise or regret anything that I say,” he said.

Bless you, sir.

Apologizing at this point won’t do anything. NEVER APOLOGIZE. It’s an admission of wrong-doing and these people are piranhas. Once they smell blood, they start circling.

But I’m preaching to the choir here, obviously. This is one based boomer.