BASED Black Guy Beats Down Insane Antifa Tranny Faggot

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
June 12, 2017

Ask a black man on the street about trannies, queers, Mexicans, Jews or feminism, and their views will be more extreme than anything you’ll read on The Daily Stormer. This is a big problem for the Democratic Party since their electoral strategy in the Midwest hinges entirely on getting blacks to vote as a bloc, but animosity towards ordinary whites just isn’t enough to get them to vote for elderly DNC white and Jewish candidates.

For that reason, outside of a few Jew-groomed Uncle Toms like Michael Eric Dyson, they’re largely staying out of the Jew/communist vs white-normal clash of civilizations going on right now.

A handful of blacks are actually confronting these leftist scum in the street. There is a growing black nationalist consciousness spawning in tandem with the Alt-Right zeitgeist, like the Hoteps who resent rich lemmings in skinny jeans speaking on their behalf. The whole “white privilege” and “white ally” movement is motivated by Jews appointing whites as spokesmen for Negroes because they don’t trust blacks to stick to the script.

Even apolitical blacks hate white and Jew leftists. Not for any ideological reason, but because these cucks are easy to rob or just repulsive to look at. As Antifa yuppies gentrify city centers, they turn their barbershops and bodegas into “Abstract Art Spaces” and vegan brunch spots.

Here’s to more great moments like this. It’s confusing as hell to the last globalist left true-believers.

[Editor’s note: I’m also confused by it. I thought the tranny was the based one. -AA]