Based Duterte to EU Human Rights Faggots: “Fuck You”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 21, 2016

The TOP CHIEF of the Flips did not mince words in addressing the EU’s meddling in his affairs on Tuesday. Following an letter from the Union condemning his “extra-judicial killings” (a euphemism for “swift and decisive justice”), President Rody Duterte, speaking at a press conference, held up a middle finger and said “fuck you.”


The EU had sent a letter saying that he needed to get in line with human rights and democracy and stop killing drug dealers, calling for an “immediate investigation” into the deaths of some thousands of degenerates.

From September 16th, The Philippine Star:

The European Parliament has condemned the current wave of extrajudicial killings in the Philippines and urged the government to “put an end” to these amid the war against illegal drugs.

At the same time, the Members of the EP (MEPs) called on the European Union Delegation to “monitor carefully” the state of lawlessness declared by the Philippine government after a bombing in Davao City on Sept. 2.

“MEPs urge the Philippines government to put an end to the current wave of extrajudicial executions and killings, launch an ‘immediate investigation’ into them and adopt ‘specific, comprehensive policies and programs’, in full compliance with national and international obligations and respect for human rights,” the EP said in a statement after the Parliament Debate in Brussels on Thursday.

The MEPs said they could understand that drug trafficking and abuse in the Philippines “remain a serious national and international concern” and that millions of people were hurt by the high level of drug addiction and its consequences in the country, but were also concerned with the “extraordinarily high numbers killed during police operations in the context of an intensified anti-crime and anti-drug campaign.”

The MEPs noted the Philippine National Police’s report from July 1 to Sept. 4 showing that its members had killed more than a thousand drug suspects and arrested more than 15,000.

Speaking in his hometown of Davao, he gave a brief history lesson, noting that all throughout time people have killed their enemies, and that it is not a big deal, and said “fuck you” several times.

Twenty-four hours later, the EU has yet to give comment on Duterte’s response to their meddling demands. They are certainly not used to this.

Duterte is an inspiration to all of us. He doesn’t care. And he is living proof that the tides have officially turned.

A new age has dawned.

The Age of the Shitlord.