BASED FSB Lieutenant Goes Rogue! Murders Migrants as Part of Russkie Death Squad!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
December 23, 2018


Christmas/New Year’s comes early to Russia!


FSB officer will spend 24 years in a high-security prison for being a member of a gang of rogue law enforcers, which for years terrorized businessmen and guest workers in Russia’s Tyumen, killing at least ten.

Four officers from the FSB (Federal Security Service) and the police put together a gang to lure cash from shady local businessmen, involved in money laundering, instead of arresting them.


So okay, they let the power get to their head a little bit. Big deal.

Killing migrants to show shady businessmen that you… well, that you mean business is… I’m not going to twist myself all up into moral pretzels over the issue, but it’s not exactly as selfless and pure as I what I first imagined when I read the headline.

The men, who were assigned to protect the law, resorted to the most violent and heinous crimes in pursuit of their goal. The so-called “Killer gang from the FSB,” which was active in the Siberian city between 2008 and 2016, has the blood of at least ten people on their hands.

The scheme they used was cunning and merciless. The dirty law enforcers sent businessmen anonymous threats and then offered their protection services. In order to show off the results of their work to the clients, they abducted and murdered guest workers from Central Asia, whom they dressed in fancy suits to look like serious menacing people. 

So it’s not like they actively preyed on migrant workers. They just had such little regard for their lives that they terrorized them for their own business ends.

That’s implicitly based, if nothing else, lol.

It tells me that Russians don’t need to know race IQ stats to do the right thing and hate brown people.

Korotkov became the first gang member to be sentenced in the shocking case. On Wednesday, a military court in Yekaterinburg handed him 24 years in a maximum security prison and a fine of 500,000 rubles ($7,500). The man was also deprived of his lieutenant rank.

The former officer was found guilty of seven murders as well as theft, robbery, carjacking, fraud, and hooliganism. He initially faced life in prison but received a milder sentence due to full repentance and cooperation with the investigators.

In his final word at the court, Korotkov asked the relatives and friends of his victims to forgive him, saying: “I fully acknowledge my actions and the consequences I’ll face.”

If he was a little more… selfless lol, he could have been a hero. But at the same time, he probably would have gotten in more trouble because that would imply that he was ideologically – and therefore politically – motivated, right?

All in all.

I rate it a да/10 for originality, execution and for moral ambiguity. 

The man didn’t break Breivik’s record… as far as we know. There could easily be way more bodies. I wouldn’t be surprised if some Russians in the FSB (or not) already have. But again, in like a shady way. Not in a pure way, like Breivik.

And like, I don’t want to get on my high horse here any more than I have to. Because let’s be real, when RaHoWa is over, I don’t intend to end up as a poor Race War Veteran begging for change near the highway.

I think I’d be quite good at marauding in rich shitlib neighborhoods. And if I wanted to get fancy, I’d spend my days looting art museums to add to my own private collection. Kind of like the Germans did. Or any army, really.

So who am I to judge, really? 

Christ said not to judge, lest I be judged. And I’m trying to become a better Christian, so I say, let’s be more understanding and forgiving of this man.

He looks pretty sorry to me.

And 24 years is a little much for some migrant workers, like c’mon, let’s be real here.

How about this: if he promises not to do business with shady businessmen anymore, he can get his sentence reduced to 6 months and community service.

Or maybe send him to join a punitive battalion in the Caucasus or Syria. 

Russia shouldn’t waste her cold-blooded killers. Put them to work serving glorious Russkie motherland instead.