Based Hillary Literally Enslaved Thousands of Feral Super Predator Nogs in Libya

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 15, 2017

I realize now that I’ve made a yuuge mistake. Hillary was always /ourgal/ only I was too blind to see it at the time. That orange dingus blinded me with his big talk about walls and deportations and taco bowls so I missed what was staring me right in the eye.

Hillary Clinton hates niggers.

And I mean really hates them. Like, hates them enough to jail hundreds of thousands of them in America, steal money from them in Haiti and enslave even more of them in Libya.

I know this seems far-fetched, but its totally documented by CNN, so we know its legit

Zero Hedge:

A new CNN investigation has uncovered a network of slave markets operating in warehouses in various cities across Libya six years after NATO-led intervention in the country toppled the government of Muammar Gaddafi in support of US and UK backed rebels. And not only did CNN confirm the presence of slave auctions where human beings are being sold for as little as $400 in “liberated” Libya, but CNN’s crew was actually able to film a live auction in progress, while also gathering the testimonies of multiple victims.

But what does this have to do with Hillary?

Though CNN’s footage and accompanying report is shocking, such practices have been quietly documented for years, and clear warnings were issued starting in early 2011 that Libya’s black as well as migrant population would be the first to fall victim at the hands of the Islamist Libyan rebels that NATO’s war empowered. From the outset critics of Western intervention in Libya loudly sounded the alarm of a genocide against black Libyans in progress committed by the very rebels the US, UK, France, and Gulf allies were arming – a fact so well-known that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was personally briefed and warned on the matter.

Based Hillary knew that it would be open season on the nogs and so she decided to let the dogs loose on them. Now you can buy them for as little as $400 a pop. Now, I’m not a cotton farmer, but I would be practically jumping at this once in a lifetime investment chance if I was.

People forget that Hillary is from the South and what she really wants deep down in her heart is to bring the black man back under the Southerner’s yoke.

It’s the only reason that explains why scores of black people suffer as a result of everything that she does.

Now, I’m big enough to admit that I was wrong about her and give her a second chance.

The question is: are you?

Are you ready to admit that Hillary is /ourgal/ now?