Basketball Americans Harass White Woman at Traffic Stop

Daily Stormer
March 23, 2016

Money doesn’t make them civilized.


Los Angeles Lakers Nick Young and Jordan Clarkson were accused Monday of making vulgar gestures at two women in the Hollywood area Sunday night.

Alexis Jones, an activist working to curb abuses by athletes, said a Jeep with four men pulled up next to her and her mom at a red light at La Brea Avenue and Melrose Avenue and “started yelling and making the most disgustingly vulgar gestures” in their direction, according to an account of the events she posted on Instagram.

“I rarely ‘rant’ about things but this is the f%+#ing problem and the reason I’ve now dedicated my life to educating young men about respect, not just for women but for everyone,” she said in the Instagram post. “I’m angry. I’m insulted. I’m hurt. They were laughing hysterically until they realized I was filming them and immediately they panicked like the cowards they are.”
