Battle of Sacramento: The First Major Battle of the Race War Ended in a Decisive Victory for Whites

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 27, 2016

Yesterday’s war at the Sacramento Capital – now being dubbed “The Battle of Sacramento” – was the first major battle of the dawning race war in America.

And it was a decisive victory for the forces of good.

Matthew Heimbach’s Traditionalist Workers Party and the Golden State Skinheads had planned the rally as a protest against the suppression of free speech by leftist radicals. Of course, the leftist radicals responded to the demonstration with an aggressive attempt to shut down free speech.

Antifa groups, who ranks are useful dopes, always act as an arm of the establishment. Their strategy is political violence in order to silence opposition to the ruling class agenda – they are the terrorist arm of ZOG.


Utter faggots.


Compare to: BROs.

They came out in force on Sunday, outnumbering the nationalists 10-to-1.

And yet, the nationalists prevailed.

The Golden State Skinhead warriors took the weapons that the communists and colored brought to attack them with and used them against them.

Five of the terrorists ended up stabbed and are now in the hospital.

sacramento battle stabbed nigger

Nigga done got stabbed up wiff hes own knife!

Only one of our guys was stabbed.

This is a monumental victory, both symbolically and literally.

It has also been a major victory in the media, where they are being forced to acknowledge that the “Neo-Nazi White Supremacists” had organized a peaceful rally and were violently attacked by a massive terrorist force. They have not been able to formulate an anti-White narrative, given that everything was so clear cut.

It certainly doesn’t help that the commie terrorists themselves are on video saying that the political views of Nationalists amount to a form a violence and thus it is self-defense to stab them. This is an idea that has been forwarded by Jews such as Jesse Benn.

So it’s good publicity, the enemy is disheartened, looking weak, and I’m sure more than a few young White kids are hearing this news and beginning the process that will lead them to eventually fighting on the streets alongside us.

All very exciting.


The cool kids.

This war has only just begun.

Many more battles lie ahead.

Go to the gym, train in martial arts, train to use weapons.

The future depends on each one of you being prepared for what’s coming.

We are in a race war.

And I mean to win it.

Hail Victory.


The Traditional Worker Party has a fund-raiser up to help pay for the hospital bills of our fallen comrade. Please consider donating.