Daily Stormer
May 6, 2015

It may seem perfectly reasonable that an owner of a nightclub would not want invading foreigners coming to his establishment to harass women and start fights. But, in reality, it is pure hatred.
The owner, it is thought, is a Nazi.
A Bavarian nightclub owner has introduced a ban on refugees after claiming that they were causing trouble in his establishment.
“You have to understand, until now there was no aggression” in the Amadeus nightclub in Ingolstadt, owner Martin T. told the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ).
He claims that “the blacks have a problem with women, and the Arabs have a problem with aggression” when they’re on a night out.
Women have been insulted and other guests have been pestered for drinks and had their jackets stolen, Martin said – adding that the problems began when a new group arrived in the town’s accommodation centre last December.
The club isn’t just somewhere to have fun, the owner claims, but a place for asylum seekers to hunt for a German partner.
“They don’t have a lot of chance of remaining here,” Martin said. “They want to find a woman and marry her.”
Martin is aware that the ban “isn’t great” – acknowledging that “some of them were really OK” – but said that he didn’t know what else to do.
Pro-refugee organizations were quick to condemn the move, saying that Martin’s policy for identifying refugees – “they mostly wear second-hand clothing and don’t speak good German” – was ridiculous.