Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
June 22, 2014

The BBC’s new director-general is going to ban White people entirely from even being considered for one in seven on-air positions at the BBC.
This blatant discrimination against White people (the very people who invented TV in the first place) is apparently not illegal, because it will ‘improve diversity’. Over £2Miliion in funds is going to be taken from other budgets at the BBC and specifically directed towards helping deceive the public about Blacks and Non-Whites. Off-air, one in ten White people are to be turned away from whatever job it is they are applying for and Blacks and Non-Whites employed instead, regardless of their qualifications.
Welcome to the new Anti-Racist Britain, where the only qualification you need to get a job, is to not be a member of the White race.

From the Telegraph:
One in seven BBC presenters and actors is to be black, Asian or minority ethnic within the next three years, it has been announced, as Lord Hall pledges to improve diversity.
Lord Hall, the director-general, has promised 15 per cent of on-air BBC staff will be black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME) by 2017, along with one in ten managers.
Critics have already condemned the policy as “absolutely ridiculous”, claiming recruitment should be conducted irrespective of race and without the “PC tokenism that makes people’s blood boil”.
Speaking at the BBC’s Elstree Studios, Lord Hall promised the corporation aimed to be “beyond reproach” on diversity issues, as he announces a new group of advisors including comedian Lenny Henry, athlete Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, and broadcaster Baroness Floella Benjamin.
He has now confirmed a set of targets for the BBC, to be fulfilled over the next three years.
Lord Hall said: “The BBC gets much right on diversity, but the simple fact is that we need to do more. I am not content for the BBC to be merely good or above average.
“I want a new talent-led approach that will help set the pace in the media industry. I believe in this and want our record to be beyond reproach.
“That won’t be achieved overnight, but the package of measures I’ve put in place, alongside the support we’ll get from leading experts, will make a tangible difference.”
British broadcasters including the BBC have previously been accused of failing to represent BAME talent fully, with Lenny Henry along those calling for positive action.
But the new proposals have been criticised as “political correctness”, with Conservative MP Philip Davies accusing Lord Hall of imposing a “completely racist policy”.
Mr Davies, a member of the DCMS select committee, argued it was wrong to judge people on “simply by the colour of their skin”, with even successful applicants at risk of being “quite unfairly” assumed to have only got their jobs because of quotas.
“I think it’s absolutely ridiculous,” he said. “It think it’s political correctness. This is the sort of PC tokenism that makes people’s blood boil.
“Tony Hall should be colourblind when it comes to recruitment. The only people who are racist are people like Tony Hall who see other people in terms of race.
“All recruitment should be irrespective of race, religion and sexuality – none of these things are relevant. It should all be done on ability.
“If that means every single person is black, then so be it. It’s the best people for the job.”
The corporation will also establish a £2.1million “Diversity Creative Talent Fund”, which will be “reprioritised from other budgets” to help change the portrayal of ethnic minorities in its programmes.
A further six “commissioners of the future” will be trained specifically to work in comedy, drama, factual, daytime and children’s programming, while 20 BAME graduate trainee interns will be taken on by the BBC.
On air, Lord Hall has set a target to increase “BAME portrayal” to 15 per cent, from the 10.4 per cent it stands currently.
Off air, he will demand one in ten leadership roles will be filled by a BAME applicant, to make up 14.2 per cent of the entire staff body.
Jews no doubt, will claim to be an ethnic minority and therefore the ban on White people will not apply to them.