Home Secretary Theresa May stands by the border gate at Heathrow trying to look as if all this was unintentional and hoping nobody remembers that it was her party that let the first army of foreign invaders in, before Labour let in the second.
The BBC has been trying to discredit a report on the loss of jobs for British people that mass immigration causes.
The fact that discrediting it is so important to them shows just how strong the Nationalist feeling is in Britain at the moment.
Even the mainstream newspapers are being forced to change their rhetoric and are calling the BBC out on their anti-White policies.
Forget the threat of war in Crimea. Never mind about the secret arrest of one of the Prime Minister’s closest aides over child pornography allegations.
For the BBC, which for years has suppressed any debate about mass immigration, the top news yesterday was that the Government was burying a report that undermined the Home Secretary’s case for border controls.
The Corporation claimed this was ‘much too embarrassing’ to publish, since it contradicted an earlier study on which Theresa May based her assertion that every 100 new arrivals deprive 23 Britons of work.
The buried report, said the BBC, shows the impact is ‘much, much smaller’.
The Mail hates to spoil a good conspiracy theory. But may we introduce a few facts into this non-story?
One is that the report is not being suppressed, but only delayed while the figures are checked. Another is that it doesn’t challenge the previous study.
Indeed, the unpublished report doesn’t quantify the British jobs displaced by migrants – though apparently it points out that the poorest are hardest hit.
But all this is barely relevant beside the obvious truth that the case for controls rests on a host of factors besides jobs.
Forget the million young Britons seeking work and the countless others still languishing, despite Iain Duncan Smith’s efforts, in our insidious benefits culture.
What about the impact of mass migration on housing, schools, hospitals, transport – not to mention social cohesion and our very identity as a nation?
It makes a welcome change that the BBC is carrying stories on the subject, after years of suppressing them. We only wish it would be a little more honest.
It is not just the jobs they are taking, the schools, hospitals and transport infrastructure they are filling, but it is the lethal damage being done to the integrity of our ethnic British Nations that matters above all else.
The BBC is as responsible for the destruction of Britain as the politicians themselves, if not more so. If it were not for the continual chants of “don’t believe your eyes – it’s not happening!” we would have, as a people, stood up to the government and said no.
Now, with there being very little left to save, their conspiracy is laid bare, and it makes no difference.