Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 1, 2016
Conversation gets hot at 7:20.
Ryan Girdusky appeared on BBC 5 with some Negro chap to discuss Donald Trump, and brought up Islamic terrorism and the Rotherham Paki sex gangs.
When Girdusky said the phrase “raping little White girls,” the Negro chap flipped his feathered pimp-hat and said “Ryan, no that’s not true.”
Not true.
He said it’s not true.
Everyone knows that it is factually true. But it could hurt someone’s feelings to say it. So you’re not allowed to say it. And if someone does say it, you are allowed to say it isn’t true, even though it is a fact – Moslem men have regularly gone to court and been convicted for raping little White girls (even while only a tiny fraction face any consequences at all).