Beaner Activist LYNCHED at Democrat Fundraiser by “Room Full of White People”

Daily Stormer
July 8, 2017

“Beaner scum, your time has come!”
– New Democratic rallying cry.

After their complete and utter annihilation at the hands of Donald Trump, we might be seeing the Democrats reinvent themselves in order to reclaim their lost mojo (and voters).

While most are predicting that the party will go full SJW and get rid of the remaining White males, it seems that instead, they’re going the route of becoming the new KKK.

We’ve already seen the Dems promoting eugenics programs to wipe out minorities, and now it seems that they’re violently kicking out minorities from their fundraisers.

I’m okay with this.

The Washington Free Beacon:

A liberal activist says he was the victim of “blatant racism” while attending a San Francisco fundraiser for Democrat Josh Harder, a frontrunner to be the party’s candidate in one of the California districts being targeted in 2018.

Josh Harder, who is definitely not the one wearing this ghost costume.

Anthony Castillo, a resident of the district Harder is running to represent, says he drove two hours up to San Francisco late last month with the intention of learning more about Harder but was instead “silenced by a room full of white people.”

Castillo says the largest man in the room was openly hostile to him and when he complained about the aggression to the event’s hostess he was grabbed by the arm and thrown out of the house.

“It seemed unbelievable that I—a lifelong resident of CA10, a dedicated community organizer and volunteer, a proud member of our vibrant Hispanic community—was silenced by a room full of white people who allowed the largest white man in the room to harass and intimidate me,” Castillo said in a Facebook post.

“These rich, white, ostensibly concerned Democrats watched as I was dragged from the event by its host, who continued to humiliate and accost me, even as I tried to leave,” he said.

INB4 “dems r da real racists.” r/the_donald may have been right all along…

Here is part of Castillo’s account, which was posted to Facebook:

“As I waited my turn, I listened quietly to the next speaker while taking notes on my phone. From the corner of my eye, I could see the man who had yelled so belligerently walk slowly forward, until he was just inches away from my face. I looked up to see this man staring at me with open hostility, his blue eyes wide and unblinking, his mouth slightly open.

I asked him again to please stop, and was taken aback when the crowd of almost entirely wealthy, white Democrats, shushed me again.This man was well over 6 feet and well over 200lbs, the biggest guy there, by far—and he was right in my face, openly and aggressively harassing me.

“I’m not staring at you,” he taunted. More white faces whipped around to look at me, and more voices yelled for me to be quiet. One woman who identified herself as the owner of the house, asked me repeatedly to calm down as if I were the threat in this situation.

I asked her to ask the big white guy to stop trying to intimidate me. The crowd began shouting and yelling at me, as if I had threatened this man, as if I were at fault for his behavior. The hostess came up to me from behind and [seized] me by the arm and threw me out of the house.”

Thrown out! By a woman! In a Dem fundraiser!

I so, so hope this is true.

But unfortunately, I’m a Nazi – so I know better.

Let’s put our thinking cap on for a moment.

Does this story make any basic sense?

Yeah, wait a minute, here… 

This guy claims to have just requested to ask a few questions. Then everyone got agitated, a big guy came close to watch over him (probably the security guard, lol) and then he was kicked out.

Seems like there’s a little something missing here.

I can see two possibilities.

  1. He pulled this entire thing out of his ass.
  2. He acted aggressively and with a complete lack of self-awareness, then got increasingly agitated as he saw that he wasn’t going to get his way. This led to his being kicked out.

In actual fact, Dems aren’t really embracing their long repressed racism – they would still rather die than be caught being politically incorrect. So the notion that they would behave like stereotypical Hollywood racist villains for no reason is absurd on the face of it.

If a video recording exists of these events, I have a strong feeling this beaner is going to look very foolish.