Oregon Passes Bill to Wipe out Colored People

Daily Stormer
July 7, 2017

Eugenics is a code-word for brown genocide.

The Democrats from the hippie-state of Oregon have – beyond all expectations – made a total turn-around.

That’s right – they’re now legislating to exterminate the brown menace once and for all.

And to top it all off, they’re using the most brutal, Nazi-like method of them all: a eugenics program.

Anyone not displaying a pure Bavarian phenotype will be retroactively aborted by top Oregon eugenicists.

World Net Daily:

Alveda King, niece of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., blasted a bill passed by Oregon Democrats Saturday that provides free abortions for illegal aliens, calling it inherently racist and an incremental tool of eugenics.

After a nearly two-hour debate over the bill, House Democrats pushed through H.B. 3391, the Reproductive Health Equity Act, by 33-23 with no GOP votes. Democrats hurried to advance to the bill to the Senate before the end of the legislative session July 10.

Republicans attempted to block the measure with a failed motion to return it to committee, as Democrats have the majority in both Oregon’s state House and Senate. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown is a Democrat.

The legislation mandates that all insurance companies in Oregon must cover abortions for any reason for anyone in the state, regardless of income, insurance plan, citizenship status, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Alveda King, a former Georgia state representative who now serves as director for Civil Rights for the Unborn and Gospel of Life Ministries, told WND she suspects the Oregon Legislature’s effort to give free abortions to illegal immigrants is a veiled attempt to eradicate the minority population.


May the Oregonians pile up the bones of our enemies in towers that scrape the skies!

FINALLY, someone is taking practical steps to eradicate minority populations.

Too bad it was liberal Democrats from Portland or whatever hipster hellhole they hail from.

But I’ll take what I can get.

“The abortion lobby, the people who support abortions, try to mask it as a ‘compassionate choice for women’ and call it ‘women’s rights,’ but it’s just another way of eliminating undesirable members of any population,” King said Wednesday.

“Whether the Democrats admit that they would like to do that, they are making eugenics and genocide possible for illegal immigrants – so there is no real interest in their hearts for the lives of the immigrants,” she continued.

But seriously though.

While it’s easy to think that this is a good thing for us, since aborting foreign babies will slow our demographic decline, the reality is that ALL abortions are now free, for everyone.

So long as abortions and birth control is freely available, we’ll never get these thots under control. Once we’ve dealt with feminism and Jews, the demographic decline won’t be an issue anymore.

Because we’ll just kick out anyone we want.

Being pro-abortion for demographic reasons is like being pro-plague because you hate your neighbor and hope he dies from it.

It’s ridiculous and short-sighted.

It’s also really funny, though.