Behind the Reich: After the War

Daily Stormer
May 17, 2015


In episode 9 of the series Dennis Wise and Sven Longshanks look at what happened to Germany once the war had ended.

A quarter of Germany was given to Poland/USSR and millions of Germans were forced from their homes.

Half of Germany was administered by the Soviets and half by America, yet only the Soviet half gave up it’s claim in the nineties.

The theft of 100Billion dollars worth of intellectual property helped America to become the leading nation in the world and to this day German scientists are not allowed to own their inventions.

Operation Paperclip is also covered and how the German scientists were removed before the Soviets could take them.

Criticism of the documentary not being racist enough is addressed at the beginning of the podcast.


Behind the Reich is on Fridays at 1pm EST and repeated throughout the day.

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