Behind the Reich: Fighting the Red Terror

Daily Stormer
April 17, 2015

Hitler was still being officially blamed for the Soviet Katyn massacre right up until the turn of the century.

Dennis Wise and Sven Longshanks present part 5 in the series explaining the background to events portrayed in ‘The Greatest Story NEVER Told.’

In this episode Stalin and the Communist threat are looked at in detail, including:

Legalisation of incest, sodomy and pedophilia by the Soviet regime

Mass murder of intelligentsia and peasant class

Deportations to gulags

All private property stolen by the state in fulfillment of the Talmud

Stalin’s military build-up and notorious secret directives

The international bankers funding of Communism

Freemasonic connections to Communism

How we are living under a soft form of communism today

Originally broadcast on the Radio Stormer live stream.
