Daily Stormer
March 1, 2014

Santa Clara University has held a workshop dealing with the issues Whites face when dealing with multiculturalism. I do not know the details of what this entailed, and have not been able to find any articles about it, but from the flier, it appears it could be a step in the right direction, in that it is acknowledging that White people exist, and have a right to identify as an existing group.
This is the discription given of the event on the SCU website:
Difficult Dialogue – #BeingWhiteatSCU
Thursday, February 27th, 2014
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Benson 21Focus on self-reflection in a safe space to engage in difficult dialogue as it relates to various aspects of our identities – race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, class, etc. Whether or not you self-identify with being White at SCU, you are welcome to join, listen and learn with an open mind and open heart.
Hosted and sponsored by the Office for Multicultural Learning.