Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
June 1, 2014

An Belfast pastor is being investigated for possible hate crimes after speaking about Islam in a negative way, to other Christians. How can anyone claim that we have freedom of speech or freedom of religious conscience, when people can be arrested for pointing out the differences between their own religion and someone else’s? Christians are obligated to speak the truth and many have died for doing so in the past. It is good to see that there are still some left that are not prepared to compromise their integrity just to please the speech police.

From the Belfast Telegraph:
Police have launched a probe into a a potential hate crime after an outspoken evangelical pastor defended describing the Islamic faith as “satanic” and a “doctrine spawned in hell”.
Senior Pastor James McConnell made the remarks as he addressed his congregation at the Whitewell Tabernacle Metropolitan Church on Sunday evening.
They were described as “very offensive”, “hurtful” and “irresponsible” by a representative from the Belfast Islamic Centre.
Was this representative of Islam in the church? What business is it of his what the pastor says to his flock?
There has also been an outcry on social media, with some calling for a police investigation into his comments.
One posted: “If this was a Muslim Imam speaking about Christianity, he would be arrested for inciting hatred.”
No he wouldn’t, Imans regularly call for Muslims to attack Christians all over the world, from Syria to Kenya, as well as constantly attack the freedoms we have in the West, which are all derived from Christianity.
During his sermon, the clergyman said: “Islam is heathen, Islam is satanic, Islam is a doctrine spawned in hell.”
Absolutely correct, the Pastor is doing as he is instructed to in the Bible. He is not talking to the Muslims, but talking to Christians.
He also likened Muslims to the IRA, saying there were cells spread right across the UK.
Absolutely correct in that too, the news regularly reports on Muslim terrorist plots in the UK being foiled. Whether these are false flags or not, they would not be able to happen in the first place if there were no Muslims in Britain.
When contacted by the Belfast Telegraph last night, the pastor said he stood over his remarks.
Good man, what a breath of fresh air to hear of a Christian preacher standing his ground against political correctness and doing God’s will instead of man’s.
When asked why he made the comments, he said “because it is against the holy scriptures”.
“The Bible says there is one God the father and one Lord Jesus Christ and that is what I believe and that is what Christianity is all about.”
It is a great shame that the establishment churches do not set such a good example as this pastor does, in standing by his faith. His care for his people’s well being, exceeds his concern for his own status in the politically correct society that has been forced upon him. I hope he does not back down.