Belgian Slut Makes Holohoax Joke on French TV! Yids Flip Lids!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2018

Praise be to revolutionary sluts!


A public broadcaster in France is being criticized for airing a Belgian comedienne’s joke about the Holocaust.

France 2 aired the joke by Laura Laune, 31, on Friday in its 8 p.m. news journal. A winner of the 2017 season of the French counterpart of the America’s Got Talent show, she was seen saying on stage: “What do sneakers and Jews have in common? They’re more common in 39 than in 45.

World War II, during which six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust in Europe, began in 1939 and ended in 1945. The European shoe sizes of 39 and 45 translate to 8.5 and 11 in U.S. sizes, respectively. The flattering profile reportage on Laune noted her “boldness” and her popularity in the stand-up comedy scene in France.

Gilles-William Goldnadel, a well-known lawyer in France and a former member of the executive board of the CRIF umbrella of French Jewish communities, called the joke “horrific” on Twitter and accused France 2 and French media in general of pursuing a double standard on black humor that permits its application on Jews but not on women.

That’s a reference to a guy who made a domestic violence joke and was banned from France TV recently.

Of course, I support beating the living shit out of women, and also support ruthlessly mocking the idiot hoax of the Jews. However… the latter is probably more important.

So if we can get an anti-kike slut alliance going, I’m all for it.

Truly, the landscape has already transformed.

We are getting away with Jew jokes that we never imagined we’d get away with.

And jokes are where it is at, friends. We have to demystify the Jew and their stupid hoax. Because that is how we will break it. We aren’t going to break it with revisionism, I can tell you that. No one wants to debate the details of that shit.

Regardless of the fact that the facts are on our side.