Belgium: Islamic “Refugees” Torture Cats

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 18, 2016


It’s a part of their culture, filthy racist goyim.

And all cultures are exactly the same.


The tortures inflicted on stray cats by two young Afghans, who were staying at the Fedasil centre in Bovigny (Gouvy), have scandalised the staff of the centre and Gouvy municipal school after they were alerted to these barbarous acts. “A striped kitten, two months old, was found in the centre, in a sad condition”, explained a member of staff. “Its jaw had been broken and its nasal partition had been twisted. We telephoned the local authority so the veterinary costs will be taken care of.”

Shocked by these odious acts, the municipal school agreed to pay for the vet. “The former director, who is working part-time currently, decided to adopt it,” continues the employee. “The kitten is doing better and better, even if he still has difficulties taking food,”

Two other cats could not be saved. They were killed by the two torturers.

“The incidents occurred in the context of a tense relationship between these two young men and a woman of another nationality,” explains the deputy director. “They attacked the stray cats that this woman was feeding. The relationship to animals varies from one culture to another. These reprehensible acts were carried out despite the work the team had carried out to raise awareness about respect for animals.”

Translation via Diversity Macht Frei.