Belgium: Kebab Jailed for Raping Elderly Woman with Mental Capacity of a Three-Year-Old

Moslems are sexually attracted to both children and old people.

This woman didn’t stand a chance.

Voice of Europe:

A 26-year old Afghan migrant has been sentenced to five years in jail for raping an elderly woman in Belgium, newspaper HLN reports.

In April this year, the man entered a care facility for people with disabilities and raped a 78-year-old woman.

The woman, who has the mental capacity of a 3-year-old child, was found on her bed. She was in pain and her trousers were backwards.

Personnel halted the Afghan for a while until the police arrived. He was arrested and said later that it wasn’t rape, but the sex was consensual. According to the man, he was invited by the woman.

At first he denied having sex, but after forensic proof was presented, he admitted to the rape. The man was sentenced to 5 year in prison.

The elderly woman’s lawyer said the incident has had a tremendous impact on the woman. “In the past she was enthusiastic and participated in activities. Now she chooses to live isolated, feels ashamed and her trust is damaged.”

Besides his jail sentence, the man has to pay the elderly woman 7,280 euros in damages. He also loses his civil rights for ten years.