Belgium: Moslem Gunman Opens Fire on Restaurant with AK

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
December 26, 2018

No one got killed, so this will get memory-holed fast. But yeah, a dude just fired some shots into a restaurant in the scenic downtown of Brussels and then took off.


Belgian police are on the hunt for a gunman who shot at a restaurant in an upmarket part of Brussels on Christmas Eve with what a witness said was a “Kalashnikov-style” weapon.

The elusive Russian connection surfaces again.

The incident took place Monday morning at around 9:50 on Avenue Louise, according to Le Soir.

The Brussels public prosecutor office said that based on preliminary information, the suspect fired his weapon at a restaurant identified by a Soir journalist as La Parisienne, which was closed as the time. There were no injuries.

“A witness saw a man shoot with a Kalashnikov-style weapon in the direction of the window of a restaurant on Avenue Louise,” spokesman Ine Van Wymersch said. “At the location, the police found three bullet impact marks.”

The prosecutor’s office says there is no indication the incident was of a terrorist nature and no suspect has been identified. Forensic and ballistic investigators have been dispatched.  

So much for banning guns, eh Yuropoors?

No, but seriously, here is where I counter-signal the whole “American gun culture” meme.

As this article proves, you can always find guns. 

Every single guerrilla/freedom fighter movement in history has been able to find guns. Every single revolution ever has been able to find guns.

Getting guns isn’t the main obstacle to overthrowing a corrupt government. It never was and it never will be.

It’s one of the last steps – actually, no it’s not even a full step, it’s like a half-step. It’s more like a logistics concern, really.

Far more important is getting to the point where the people are willing to use force and to lay their lives on the line to overthrow the government. That is the key concern of the revolutionary. Meanwhile, American conservatives like to stockpile ammo and guns, but part of me wonders what they will do when confiscation order is signed. If you’re all alone, but armed to the teeth, you can take out maybe one or two SWAT team guys before they pry the guns away from your cold, dead hands. Most people will just hand the guns over when they get a rap on the door. Because resisting at that point will mean near-certain death.

Furthermore, the government doesn’t fear atomized and turtled-up legal gun owners, even if they number in the tens of millions and their ammo count is in the billions.

But look at the Yellow Vests in France. I don’t know if the protests will fizzle out or succeed in dethroning Macron, but they brought the country to a screeching stop. Macron is too nervous to show his face in public anymore. The average Frenchman is mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!

Guns seem to have lulled American conservatives into a sense of complacency. There seems to exist in every ol’ timer American conservative’s head the comforting notion that they really could overthrow the government if things ever got too bad.


Well, because of the guns, of course. So they sleep easier at night and are more willing to give ground because deep down, they still believe that the tree of liberty will be watered with blood if things get too bad.

We’ll see about that.

I would much rather have a massive popular movement in the United States like the Yellow Vests demanding the Wall get built, that Antifa criminals get shut down and that the witch hunts branding ordinary conservative citizens as “Russian agents,” “rapists” men and “Neo-Nazis” come to an end than a bunch of boomers with full arsenals locked in their basements dreaming of some future event which will finally be so bad they have to… rise up and overthrow the government, or whatever it is they think they’re going to do when whatever “so bad” thing finally happens.

Maybe when 2020 rolls around, the illusions will fall and people will realize that the logistical capacity to carry-out a revolution doesn’t mean much, and finally hit the streets Yellow Vest style. I have high hopes that they will. Average Americans must have had almost enough of the craziness.

Creating a popular movement like the French did will do us a whole lot more good than hoarding more guns. Although… that being said, there’s nothing stopping you from doing both.

Stay frosty out there, frens.