Ben Affleck Attempting to Drink Himself to Death as Justice League Slated to be the Worst Movie Ever Made

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 15, 2017

When I saw Batman vs Superman, I said to myself and anyone I ran across who would listen to me for the next week: “wow, this is the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. How did they even manage to make a movie this horrible? It is a sort of accomplishment that they were able to get Jews to pour $200 million into such a horrible film.”

I did not believe any movie could ever be worse than that movie.

And then, Warner Bros. released promotional photos of Suicide Squad – featuring Jared Leto as Wigger Joker with “hahahahaha” tattoos.

And I said to myself “hmmmm….”

Within the first 15 minutes of Suicide Squad, I said to myself: “The mad bastards have done it. They’ve really done it. They’ve made a movie worse than Batman vs Superman.”

Now, I truly believe that Justice League is going to top them both.

This will literally be the worst movie ever made.

Ben Affleck, who once had a promising career as a director, has ruined his life, Johnny Depp-style.

Quite reasonably, he has decided to commit “poor man’s seppuku” and drink himself to death.


Ben Affleck revealed, in a Facebook post on Tuesday, that he recently completed a stint in rehab for alcohol addiction.

“I have completed treatment for alcohol addiction; something I’ve dealt with in the past and will continue to confront,” he wrote on Facebook. Affleck checked himself into rehab in 2001 as well.

“I want to live life to the fullest and be the best father I can be. I want my kids to know there is no shame in getting help when you need it, and to be a source of strength for anyone out there who needs help but is afraid to take the first step,” he continued. “I’m lucky to have the love of my family and friends, including my co-parent, Jen, who has supported me and cared for our kids as I’ve done the work I set out to do. This was the first of many steps being taken towards a positive recovery.”

Affleck’s last directorial effort, the gangster pic “Live by Night,” flopped, leaving Warner Bros. — the studio behind the period film — with a $75 million loss.

Syfy also recently canceled the sci-fi thriller “Incorporated,” which Affleck executive produced with longtime friend and business partner Matt Damon and Jennifer Todd.

Before he dons the cape and cowl in “The Batman,” the actor will next play the Dark Knight in “Justice League,” which hits theaters on Nov. 17.

Suicide is a hard decision, but I truly believe this is the best thing for him, and for society as a whole.

We can’t take any more of these films.

And neither can Ben.

The Daily Stormer Editorial Board officially endorses Ben Affleck drinking himself to death.