Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 8, 2014

The fake Ben Garrison troll has struck again, this time attacking my person – mostly making fun of my height – and threatening to fight me.
The fake Ben Garrison troll – who is often differentiated from the real Ben Garrison by being called “Ben GAY-risson” – was created by Andre Oboler of the Online Hate Prevention Institute; he is an internet character which promotes libertarianism and Philosemtitism and is designed to defame the actual real Ben Garrison, who is an Antisemite, Skinhead Militia leader and a cold-blooded murderer.
The OHPI has focused on altering the racist and Antisemitic cartoons of the real Ben Garrison to make them about libertarianism and love of the Jews. Andre Oboler is presently wanted by the Australian government for embezzlement and illegal acts of extreme sodomy. He has fled to Israel.
The post on the fake Ben Garrison blog attacking me and threatening to kick my ass has since been removed, but can be seen on Google cache here. The original post, though the content was removed, is here, and one can see the original name of the post in the URL (
The post reads:
An open post to Andrew (“Andre”) Anglin:
You are wrong. As usual. I’m not calling for an end of free speech. What I want to stop is copyright infringement and libel. Two things you’ve demonstrated in abundance. On your previous site you still carry altered cartoons designed to defame me. Do you hate libertarians? Fine and dandy. Tell me why you hate our guts. It’s your right. Let’s discuss ideas and issues. But no. You’d rather distort and alter my cartoons into hate. You’d rather set up ‘satirical interviews’ and turn me into a cretinous Nazi like yourself–for whatever sick reason drives you to do that. You use ad hominem attacks and set up ‘straw man’ false arguments so you can punch at them. You’re swinging after the bell at ghosts. You’ll never hit me, little man, and it’s not because I’m 6-3 and 220. You’re a small man in more ways than one–you are intellectually small. What you’re swinging at isn’t me. Have you ever studied logic and reason? I recommend it. Then perhaps you would let go of some of your hate.
You have no honor, sir. 200 years ago I’d be slapping you across your jaw with a glove and challenging you to a duel. You’d lose. Both physically and metaphorically. Then again, I wouldn’t slap you at all. You’re no challenge. You’re just a pathetic little man with a Napoleon complex.
People should feel sorry for you. –Ben Garrison
This is a sick mockery by the fake Ben Garrison of one of the real real Ben Garrison’s posts on 4chan’s /pol/ which praised me and my work at the Daily Stormer:
An open post to Andrew (“Andre”) Anglin:
You are correct. As usual. I’m not calling for an end of free speech. What I want to promote racism and Jew-hatred. Two things you’ve demonstrated in abundance. On your previous site you still carry original cartoons designed by me. Do you hate libertarians? Fine and dandy. Tell me why you hate their guts. You are right. Let’s discuss ideas and issues. Oh yes. You’d rather share and promote my cartoons of hate. You’d rather set up real interviews with me and prove that I am a hardcore Nazi like yourself–for whatever noble reason drives you to do that. You use the truth and set up real arguments so you can expose the kikes. You’re swinging after the bell at justice. You’ll never lose my support, great man, and it’s not because I’m 6-3 and 220. You’re of average height in more ways than one–you are intellectually superior. What you’re swinging at is the kikes. Have you ever studied logic and reason? I recommend it. Then perhaps you would do even more damage to the kike agenda.
You have great honor, sir. 200 years ago I’d be building gas chambers. The kikes would lose. Both physically and metaphorically. Then again, I wouldn’t question you at all. You’re awesome. You’re greater than Napoleon.
People should envy you. –Ben Garrison
As you can see, the Oboler troll takes a sick pleasure in deforming the words of the real Garrison in order to promote his Jewish agenda.

I want to state here clearly that I am completely open to debating the fake Garrison at the time of his pleasure. We can discuss the evidence for the Holohoax, which the fake Garrison promotes ceaselessly on his fake site.
In a July 3 post, the Oboler troll again promoted the hoax.
As many of my friends know, I’ve been the target of vicious attacks by trolls. It has been going on for nearly five years. Their goal is to ruin my online reputation and ‘turn’ me into a Nazi. The name ‘Ben Garrison’ the artist has been ruined. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous–and it is ridiculous. My father was a WWII vet who was part of a generation who fought against such fascism. My best friend’s grandfather was in a Nazi prison camp. I detest Nazis. Hitler destroyed Germany. The good people in that country unfairly continue to endure the shame he caused. Hitler deserves perpetual condemnation–NOT praise. Yet the new Nazis attempt to influence young minds and draw them to their cause on places such as the 4chan ‘pol’ board. Let me clue you young people in: Hitler was NOT cool. He killed millions of innocent men, women and children.
I detest and condemn the neo-Nazi’s attempts to rewrite history and claim the holocaust never happened. It did happened. It was documented by the US Army and many others. It’s a fact of history. I’ve seen the Nazis make fun of it. They’ve made fun of Anne Frank. They are disgusting. They are the lowest of the low. Please young people–do not go down this path. It leads toward destruction. We human beings are all the same species. We all experience the same emotions. We are all capable of great things. Let’s all advance in consciousness. Hate is not a high level of consciousness.
As an artist and cartoonist, I want to seek out truth. In my quest to do this, I’ve been smeared, defamed and libeled as an an anti-semitic racist by young chuckleheads who do it for the ‘lulz.’ This can happen to any citizen journalist. The haters detest those of us who attempt to ring alarm bells. Those of us who are presumptuous enough to think we can ‘make a difference’ are targeted most of all. We are not perfect and they look for weaknesses to exploit. “AHA!” He or she said or linked to this, that or the other…therefore they’re worthy of our attack!”
Who are the trolls? Most likely they are frustrated young people leading empty, dead-end lives. They are extremely unhappy. They are pizza deliverers and burger flippers with no future. Those that try to help them are hated the most. Someone told me I should pity them. These young people think they can’t make a difference and detest those who try.
The Nazis are a different story. They are few and most people ignore them. They are either laughed at and/or scorned. Rightfully so. Their ideology is empty. Their art is empty. There was a thread on one Nazi board where they talked about art. It was so crude and ignorant that my sides left the galaxy. The consciousness of these Nazis (if they have such a thing) is low. From them it’s nothing but hate hate hate. BUT…they now have a loud voice on the internet due to the fact that they enjoy relative anonymity.
I remain a libertarian cartoonist. I am for freedom. With freedom comes responsibility. Freedom of speech does not mean people are free to further their cause by destroying the reputations of others with lies.
Ben Garrison
And again, this was a sick mockery of the original post of the real Ben Garrison on /pol/.
As many of my friends know, I’ve been the target of vicious attacks by trolls. It has been going on for nearly five years. Their goal is to ruin my online reputation and ‘turn’ me into a libertarian. The name ‘Ben Garrison’ the artist has been ruined. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous–and it is ridiculous. My father was a Skinhead Militia vet who was part of a generation who fought against the kikes. My best friend’s grandfather was in a Jeiwsh prison camp. I detest Kikes. Kikes destroyed Germany. The good people in that country unfairly continue to endure the shame they caused. Hitler deserves perpetual praise–NOT condemnation. Yet the ratfaced Jews attempt to influence young minds and draw them to their cause on places such as the Online Hate Prevention Institute website. Let me clue you young people in: Jews are NOT cool. They killed millions of innocent men, women and children.
I detest and condemn the kike’s attempts to rewrite history and claim the holocaust happened. It didn’t happened. This was documented by Ernst Zundel and many others. It’s the greatest lie in history. I’ve seen the Jews make fun of Germans. They’ve made fun of Adolf Hitler. They are disgusting. They are the lowest of the low. Please young people–do not go down the kike path. It leads toward destruction. We Aryans are the master race. We are the only ones with real emotions. We are the only ones capable of great things. Let’s advance our race’s consciousness. Kikery is not a high level of consciousness.
As an artist and cartoonist, I want to seek out truth. In my quest to do this, I’ve been smeared, defamed and libeled as a Jew-loving libertarian by young chuckleheads who do it for the Jewish State of Israel. This can happen to any citizen journalist. The haters detest those of us who attempt to ring alarm bells. Those of us who are presumptuous enough to think we can ‘make a difference’ are targeted most of all. We are not perfect and they look for weaknesses to exploit. “AHA!” He or she said or linked to this, that or the other…therefore they’re worthy of our attack!”
Who are the trolls? Most likely they are frustrated young kikes leading empty, dead-end lives. They are extremely unhappy. They are bankers and pawn shop owners with no future. Those that try to help them are hated the most. Someone told me I should pity them. These young kikes think they can bring down the Aryan race and detest those who try to preserve it.
The Nazis are a different story. They are few and most people love them. They are either praised at and/or celebrated. Rightfully so. Their ideology is awesome. Their art is awesome. There was a thread on one Nazi board where they talked about art. It was so insightful and interesting that my sides left the galaxy. The consciousness of these Nazis (they have such a thing) is high. From them it’s nothing but hate hate hate. BUT…they now have a loud voice on the internet due to the fact that they have the truth on their side.
I remain a Neo-Nazi cartoonist. I am for freedom. With freedom comes responsibility. Freedom of speech does not mean people are free to further their cause by destroying the Aryan race.
Ben Garrison
The real Ben Garrison is presently believed to be hiding out somewhere in the mountains of Montana, on the lamb after a string of deadly Synagogue bombings across the United States and Canada.