Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 12, 2014

It is with a heavy heart that I am forced to report on yet another instance of the defamation of Ben Garrison’s character by Jewish internet terrorists.
Garrison’s grrrGraphics blog, which he created as “an outlet for folks who wish to see the Jewish race completely wiped out of existence” was hacked yesterday by conniving Jews.
An edited post was seen by tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people, who will go on to believe Zyklon Ben is nothing more than a Jew tool trying to crush free speech:
A message from Ben….
Internet trolls continue to disseminate their meme that I’m against free speech. Ridiculous. I’m for freedom of speech. Hate speech is not free speech when it is LIBEL and infringes on copyrights. That’s against the law. Trolls do not own Facebook and they should not be using it as a megaphone to cry for the murder of human beings. That’s what they’re doing in direct violation of stated community standards. Apparently some trolls are too stupid to understand this, but hate does tend to appeal to stupid minds.
Those same trolls ARE free to set up their own sites and pay for it themselves. It’s the hater’s nickel, so they are free to spew all the hate they like and we’re free to ignore them. The problem is, many of the haters aren’t satisfied with their own dreadful hole in the wall sites. Few people want to visit their ugly, boring hate hives. I say boring because they post the same predictable hate day in and day out. It’s not only deplorable, it’s dull.
They want to get noticed and make hate go mainstream. They want hate to go ‘viral.’ That makes them feel trumped-up and important instead of the nobodies they really are. If they can convince young minds through repetitious hate that it’s somehow acceptable to murder groups of people because they’re not really human (Hitler did this with the Jews), then we’ve got big trouble.
Speak out against hate on social media. Hate is censorious speech. Hate is tolerated as the price of free speech, but hate speech should not be endorsed. The haters’ goal is to drown out reasoned debate on serious problems. In my case, their constant hate speech and libel has muddied the waters and compromised my ability to communicate. The trolls continuously forge my signature, deface my work and libel my name. The trolls are against MY free speech. Hate is against free speech.
Ben has sent me a copy of the original, which read:
A message from Ben….
Filthy kikes continue to disseminate their meme that I’m against free speech. Ridiculous. I’m for freedom of speech. Hate speech is free speech it is not LIBEL and copyright claims are just a Jew excuse to shut it down. Kikes manipulate the law. Ratlike Jews own Facebook and they are using it as a megaphone to cry about their idiot gas chamber hoax. That’s what they’re doing in direct violation of basic human decency. Apparently some goyim are too stupid to understand this, but kikery does tend to appeal to stupid minds.
Nazis ARE free to set up their own sites and pay for it themselves. It’s the hater’s nickel, so they are free to spew all the hate they like and we’re free to praise them. The great part is, many of the haters are satisfied with their own awesome hole-in-one sites. Six million people want to visit their beautiful, interesting hate hives. I say interesting because they post the same insightful hate day in and day out. It’s not only based, it’s incredible.
They want to get noticed and make hate go mainstream. They want hate to go ‘viral.’ That makes them feel trumped-up and important even though they are already awesome to the max. If they can convince young minds through repetitious hate that it’s somehow acceptable to murder groups of people because they’re not really human (Hitler should have done this with the Jews), then we’ve got ourselves a rodeo.
Promote hate on social media. Hate is free speech. Hate is tolerated as the price of free speech, so the kikes can never stop it. The haters’ goal is to drown out the gibbering kike trolls so we can deal with serious problems. In my case, their constant hate speech and promotion of me has saved my reputation. The trolls continuously forge my signature, deface my work and libel my name. The trolls are against MY free speech. Hate is free speech.
As you can see, Ben’s message was as concise and on-point as ever, and the Jews twisted it all around so they could push their sick censorship agenda.

And how hilarious is it that they chose to make the character of the fake Ben Garrison both a libertarian and an anti-speech advocate? Even people who know nothing about libertarianism know that free speech is one of their main issues. Part of what angers me the most is that not only do they constantly try to destroy Ben’s reputation and use his identity for their anti-White agenda, they don’t even have the decency to create an internally consistent narrative.
The good news is, they haven’t gotten any more shekels for their fake scam:

If the Jews were smart, they would have just used Ben’s original proposal, which stated the truthful fact that he needs this money to build a death camp, rather than going with “wah, I’m Ben Garrison, I’m a libertarian and I need a hundred thousand dollars so I can stop free speech on the internet – give it to me now, goyim” gibberish.
If Shekels Ben did exist outside of the mind of these libellous Jews, who would his audience be? What is the purpose of a libertarian who is trying to shut down free speech?
I refer fake Ben’s $770 legal team to this document.