Info Stormer
October 24, 2015

Hillary Clinton the deranged Marxist dyke bitch testified in front of the House’s Select Committee on Benghazi the other day. It proved without a shadow of a doubt that she is pure evil and belongs in the pits of hell. I doubt that she has a soul. If she ever did, the Jew Saul Alinsky probably stole it from her.
The hearings proved that Clinton knew immediately that the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012 was by Moslem fanatics. Amazingly she contacted her daughter Chelsea and the Egyptian Prime Minister saying so right after the attacks occurred. This directly contradicts what she and others in the Obama regime said about it in the days and weeks that followed. They all claimed that the attacks were the result of people being angry over a JewTube video some guy made in California.
The hearings also proved that the State Department through her own negligence refused to provide additional security to the Libyan consulate despite numerous requests from people on-site. She even suggested that some of the security requests from Ambassador Chris Stevens were jokes despite the fact that the British were leaving over security concerns at the exact same time.
Although not highlighted at the hearing, there have also been additional questions raised on if the CIA was funneling weapons to Moslem fanatics through the Consulate.
What’s important to note about all of this is that Clinton was one of the main individuals encouraging an American attack on Libya in 2011 to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi. By overthrowing Gaddafi, the country has been plunged into chaos and remains that way up until this day. At the time, providing more security to the Libyan consulate would have been an admission that the Libya policy had failed. It would have contradicted claims by the Obama regime that the country was stable and that they had Moslem fanatics on the run. None of this was true.
So for selfish political purposes, this crazy bitch chose not to give her people adequate security and purposefully pushed a false narrative.
The spin in the Jew media about this has been incredible. Much of the media with the exception of maybe Fox News, have presented this as some type of victory for Clinton. They know that few people are going to take the time to dig up clips from the hearing let alone watch the entire 11 hours.
Anybody who supports this vile creature is a very stupid person. She is an incompetent liar whose only skillful trait appears to be her ability to talk in circles. She’s still under FBI investigation for using a private e-mail server to conduct State Department business. Any other person would have already been charged with multiple felonies but due to political reasons she has yet to be charged with anything.
Even if you don’t believe any of this is true, it is obvious that the policy she supported in Libya has been a failure. It shows that she lacks the ability to make good decisions. Hell, this is a woman who thought installing an e-mail server next to her home toilet was a smart thing to do. That says it all right there. It defies comprehension that there are so many dumb people in America who insist on supporting this horrible woman.
My hope is that if the Obama regime thwarts the FBI investigation on this, that people will leak material related to it. This isn’t over and there will be more information that comes out over the following weeks and months. My hope is that this horrible Communist dyke will spend the rest of her life sitting in a jail cell.