Berkeley Riots Against Jew Ben Shapiro

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 15, 2017

This is maaaaaaad lel.

Ben Shapiro is the anti-Trump Jew – he attacked Trump over “racism” and “sexism.”

He is the one who handled that bitch what was her name – the Mexican one – saying that Trump’s campaign manager attacked her. Remember that? Was her name Heather something?

Sorry, I don’t give enough fucks to Google it.

Anyway, this guy is a full-on kikeservative shill. His only purpose is to try and confuse the goyim who are looking right-wing, to try and direct them to be anti-racist and pro-Israel.

And SJWs call him a Nazi and riot.

wew lads.


At least nine people have been arrested as pro- and- counter-protests rocked the campus of the liberal University of California at Berkeley as it hosted conservative speaker, former Breitbart editor Ben Shapiro, police said.

Ben Shapiro, the founder and the editor-in-chief of the conservative website the Daily Wire, was delivering his speech inside Zellerbach Hall at the campus on Thursday night, the university said in a statement. Some 600-700 people attended the event.

In the meantime, about 1,000 people opposed to Shapiro speaking gathered outside the campus, holdings signs saying “Students Against Fascism and War”. Some were chanting “No Trump, no KKK [Ku Klux Klan], no fascist USA,” according to AP.

Shapiro, meanwhile, is not a supporter of US President Donald Trump. Not only has he never endorsed Trump, he has often criticized the president. In March 2016, Shapiro resigned from Breitbart News citing the outlet’s reporting on the Trump campaign.

The crowds were relatively calm until the Zellerbach event ended and a woman, “not affiliated with the university climbed over a barricade on Upper Sproul Plaza,” the university said in a statement.

On Friday morning, police said that at least nine people were arrested “as part of efforts to manage demonstrations and counter-demonstrations at and near” the Berkeley campus.

“For the most part it was an orderly event, attended by respectful orderly people,” UC Police Chief Margo Bennett said, as cited by AP, “The crowd in the street was loud, but not violent.”

Students’ opinions divided over the speech of the conservative politician in the liberal university.

Maurice Ang, a junior opposing the event, saying that Berkeley shouldn’t “host any controversial speakers, on either side.”

“I like the way Ben Shapiro talks,” another student, Trinidad Arceo, said, adding that police presence at the event was “overkill.”

Xochitl Johnson, an organizer of Refuse Fascism group protesting Shapiro’s speech, criticized the university authorities for deploying police.

“This university has a responsibility to stand up [against fascism] an intellectual center,” she said in an emotional speech to the protesters outside the campus.

The whole event cost the campus some $600,000, according to UC Berkeley Assistant Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs Dan Mogulof.

Between September 24 and 27, other conservative figures are expected to speak at Berkeley, including Steve Bannon, an executive chair at Breitbart News, who worked as Trump’s chief strategist, as well as authors Milo Yiannopoulos and Ann Coulter.

As I’ve said many, many times, it is actually good to have people rioting against Jews and calling them “WHITE SUPREMACIST NEO NAZI RACIST” – it makes the terms meaningless, which means that we are automatically closer to the mainstream.

And it doesn’t really help Shapiro seem more edgy than he is. It doesn’t help him much. People can see what he is saying.

Ben Shapiro is not succeeding in his little “trick the goyim” scheme.


Everyone knows, instinctively, that this is a scam. That it does matter what color you are. That people of non-white colors do not “love freedom,” so even if you don’t care about identity and nation and care exclusively about abstract economic and political structures, you’re still fucked in a system of mass immigration and kikery.

Also, Ben Shapiro has yet to speak out about the Daily Stormer’s domain theft, which is the biggest free speech issue in history. That, and the cops shutting down the Charlottesville rally when they had a permit “because of protesters.” We are at the forefront of free speech, and if he actually cared about his principles, he’d be talking about us.

But he is not.

This is the last time I remember him talking about us: