Berkeley Slamdown: Awesome Street Fighting Again!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 15, 2017


Here are Tim Pool’s highlights from the day. He does a good job, got a lot of really excellent footage.

It shows Based Stickman getting arrested, and antifa lobbing m-80s (or something similar – most likely something much more dangerous) into a crowd like a bunch of rabid animals.


We’ve got some additional footage of the brawling, and it’s glorious. The money shot is definitely this clip:


Notice the shirt in the background: “Jesus will judge you!”

The heavens themselves have conspired to give us this clip.

Original article follows:

Another day, another SLAMDOWN!


LA Times:

About 500 pro-Trump demonstrators and counter-protesters faced off Saturday morning at a “Patriots Day” rally in Berkeley, where the two groups have violently clashed on city streets twice in the last three months.

About 10 a.m., dozens of counter-protesters dressed in black and wearing masks tore down a plastic netting that separated the two groups in Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park. The Trump supporters moved forward with American flags and chants against “communists.”

Two counter-demonstrators were led away by police in handcuffs.

At one point, a loud explosion could be heard in the park and fist fights broke out among members of both groups. Berkeley police, wearing riot helmets, immediately rushed in and the crowd moved back.

Stewart Rhodes, founder of the citizen militia group known as the Oath Keepers, came from Montana with about 50 people wearing security gear to protect the Trump supporters. They were joined by bikers and others who vowed to fight members of an anti-fascist group if they crossed police barricades.

“I don’t mind hitting” the counter-demonstrators, whom he called “neo-Nazis,” Rhodes said. “In fact, I would kind of enjoy it.”

Wait, who are the Neo-Nazis?

Is he calling the antifa that?

Stewart is a weird guy.

But Rhodes credited Berkeley police for new tactics that kept the two sides apart and “our side chilled and relaxed.”

Giving a speech at a well-secured end of the park, alt-right blogger Laura Southern railed against societal change, Kim Kardashian and the media. She called on members of her movement to “realize Trump is only a foot in the door.”

“We must become like them,” she said referring to her opponents, “subversive.”

Yes, we are doing that.

It’s called WHITE SHARIA.

Now please get in burka, and we will find a male relative to escort you back to the kitchen you appear to have escaped from, Lauren.

The rally, one of many being held across the country, is sponsored by the pro-Trump group Liberty Revival Alliance and was originally scheduled for noon to 4 p.m. in Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park. A regularly scheduled farmer’s market, which is usually held adjacent to the park, was cancelled as a precaution.

A single vendor showed up Saturday to sell organic produce. “Rain or shine or fascism we will be here,” said a young woman operating the cash register.


Does she not know how fascist organic fruit is?

Or maybe she’s referring to the antifa as fascists, in the way Rhodes referred to them as “Neo-Nazis”?

Berkeley Police Sgt. Andrew Frankel told CBS 5 that police would have extra patrols on duty in case things get out of hand. “We’ve staffed accordingly and are preparing for a number of different contingencies,” he said.

About two dozen police officers were at the park early Saturday and set up a narrow entrance to control access. Those entering the park are prohibited from bringing the following items: metal pipes, baseball bats, poles, bricks, mace, knives, rocks, glass bottles, eggs or tasers.

Dave Gottfried, 58, a self-employed Berkeley artist, passed “empathy kisses,” chocolate candy, out to both sides. He had hoped to “show empathy is the beginning of understanding.”

“I feel we are going down the rabbit hole,” he said.

It’s probably the acid.

Thirteen arrests so far.

I assume mostly antifa.

This could well be the funniest picture yet:

Here’s some tweets.

This video has a good aerial view of the fighting. Some weird sound in the background, just mute it. These antifa with their rolling dumpsters – what sort of a tactic?

Tim Pool did a stream that just recently ended at time of writing.

Here’s a communist stream, also finished recently.

Mike Cernovich was at a similar tax day rally in Austin, Texas, and got punched in the face.


Controversial alt-right provocateur Mike Cernovich appears to have been punched in the face at an anti-Trump rally in Austin, TX on Saturday after repeatedly yelling “Bill Clinton is a rapist” at the crowd.

The right-wing vlogger livestreamed his protest of the rally calling for President Trump to release his tax returns, and the footage appears to show rally goers shouting obscenities, pushing and shoving protest signs in front of Cernovich’s face.

Well, Mike.

It sounds like that crowd isn’t into old memes.

The same thing would have happened if you’d been yelling “dicks out for Harambe,” except it would have been a lot worse.


Speaking of old.

Feeling nostalgic for the good old days… back in the first week of April, when our President was still our hero.

This would be a lot more exciting if we weren’t in flip-flop mode, I’ll tell you that.

That I can tell you.

It is the most hardcore Trump Train riders who go to these rallies and literally fight for Trump, and I am just not certain how long this is going to last.

I really like watching videos of people fighting on the streets for a nationalist President.

But it certainly seems we don’t have a nationalist President anymore, and these people are all going to know that soon enough.

I was looking forward to endless street-fighting streams.

Although, I guess if we start protesting against Trump’s wars and whatever he’s not going to do about immigration, then the antifa will show up and protest for him, and it will basically be the same thing?
