Berkeley: Weird Whining Brats Riot Against Kike Homo MILO

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2017

Last night saw a serious friggin riot in Berkeley against MILO, a British Jew who once attempted to become the leader of the American Neo-Nazi movement but was thwarted by the Daily Stormer and others.

They literally locked down the entire campus and antifa smashed and burned everything.

This is mad lel.

I mean, mate – this is the end of lel that you’re maybe supposed to eat with a fork, but you just throw the fork on the ground and eat that lel with your hands.

These people think a gay Jew is a Nazi because… because he has mild criticism of feminism and immigration as part of his marketing brand.


In the wake of the Richard Spencer sucker punch, every mainstream leftist rag from The Nation, to The Independent, to the New York Times published articles justifying violence as an acceptable way of doing politics in current year.

This is the mainstream of the Democrat Party.


A protest turned violent at the University of California at Berkeley, resulting in the cancellation of a talk from editor of Breitbart News Milo Yiannopoulos.

Milo Yiannopoulos was expected speak against “sanctuary campuses,” which promised to protect undocumented students in wake of President Donald Trump’s tough stance on illegal immigration.

In response to the violence, UC Berkeley Police have warned students to “leave the area immediately,” as they are bringing in “additional resources.”

Hours after a lockdown was declared across campus by police, many orders of dispersal, including several five-minute warnings went largely ignored.

Once those backup forces arrived, police used a bullhorn to warn protesters they would be subject to force, “including but not limited to chemical agents, batons and less lethal munitions.”

KTVU reported that there were no police present when the riots began. College Republicans paid a mandatory security fee but are now asking what good it did.

Around 8:00pm local time, protesters moved off campus, onto surrounding streets including Telegraph Avenue.

Rioters attempting to block traffic did not appear to stop a white BMW that sped off with at least one person still clinging to the vehicle. The unruly crowd then chased the car down the street, but Michael Bodley of the San Francisco Chronicle reported that a different, unrelated driver was then attacked with pepper-spray while his vehicle was struck with stakes. “It was a white car,” Bodley reported someone yelling.

A Walgreens pharmacy was spray-painted with the words “Kill fascists,” while Bank of America ATMs were smashed.

They also sprayed “fuck MILO” and “kill Trump.”

This is where the left is at right now, and it is fantastic to watch.

This is the mainstream of the Democrat Party.

A female Trump supporter was attacked with pepper-spray by a rioter during an interview with local TV media. Others were struck with flag poles hoisted by black-clad anarchists.

Another woman was seen being hit with a black flag and pole before being pepper-sprayed.

This is the left.

This is the mainstream of the Democrat Party.

A rioter dressed in black was captured on video reportedly striking an attendee in the head with a bike lock.

There were also reports of punching, as well as fireworks thrown and a tree being set on fire.

Hundreds of protesters, some covered in masks, also broke windows and pulled down metal barricades that police set up, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

There are reports of outbreaks of physical violence and rioters attempting to surround attendees, whom they deemed “fascists.”

Berkeley Police reported their officers were targeted with projectiles, including bricks and smoking objects. The university’s police locked down campus buildings and ordered the public to shelter in place.

Tear gas was deployed after many calls from police for the crowd to disperse or face arrest for unlawful assembly. There were several five-minute warnings proclaimed from police PA systems.

Students were not the only ones to have objected to Yiannopoulos event at the university.

After the editor accepted the invitation, a group of faculty members urged Chancellor Nicholas Dirks to cancel the event. More than 100 Berkeley faculty blamed the editor for provoking “incitement, harassment, and defamation.”

“Although we object strenuously to Yiannopoulos’s views — he advocates white supremacy, transphobia, and misogyny — it is rather his harmful conduct to which we call attention in asking for the cancellation of this event,” read the first of two letters from faculty members.

The College Republicans issued a statement, saying, “The Free Speech Movement is dead. Today, the Berkeley College Republicans’ constitutional right to free speech was silenced by criminals and thugs seeking to cancel Milo Yiannopoulos’ tour. Their success is a defeat for civilized society and the free exchange of ideas on college campuses across America. We would like to thank UCPD and the university administration for doing all they could to ensure the safety of everyone involved. It is tragic that the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement is also its final resting place.”

Here’s some more video – just so we’re clear.

This is the mainstream of the Democrat Party.

This is real life.

The left has never been an intellectual movement in the way that the right has (at least at times), and so their politics have always been the psychological equivalent of smashing someone’s head in with a bike lock because you want to silence their speech.

Germany’s program of monitoring Facebook for criticism of immigration, then pulling the IP address and sending police to arrest the person who made the post, for instance, is a round-about way of smashing someone’s head in with a bike lock to keep them from saying something you disagree with. Telling people they have to shut up and accept millions of Moslem terrorists/rapists because of a picture of a dead toddler on a beach is a form of psychological bike-locking.

But now, in TRUMPMERICA, their threats of government force and emotional manipulation tactics are no longer viable means to silence dissent, so they are just attacking people on the streets.

This is very, very good for us. There is no better propaganda for the right-wing than a bunch of black-masked spoiled teenage brats mob-attacking people and burning things in the name of Hillary Clinton.

I wish it was Richard Spencer they were rioting against instead of MILO, tbh. This is really, really good for MILO’s brand, and his is a brand I would like to see die. But to be fair, he’s backed off of the Alt-Right at this point, and is now just pushing this weird “I’m a really flamboyant faggot who doesn’t want to live with brown people” Alt-Left sort of brand.

It did look like his brand was on the way to its death though after the election – even with the book deal – and this will no doubt bring it back to life.

Trump himself came out and talked about it this morning, threatening to cancel funds to Berkeley because they shut down the event and failed to protect protesters from violent beta male psychopaths.

But whatever. MILO’s brand being bolstered aside, this is a net gain for us. All of these crazy, kooky scenes of mob violence are a net gain for us.

Though we do need to be prepared to deal with this. I think it is going to be scaled back when Trump starts sending in the National Guard – which I am 99.87% sure he’s going to within his first year in office – but it will still exist for the foreseeable future, as it is now literally the preferred political activist tactic of the mainstream left.

I can’t grasp why they think this is a good way of doing things, but clearly they think that, so whatever.

Good for us.