Berlin Doctor Killed by Haji, Definitely Not Terrorism

Daily Stormer
July 27, 2016

Don’t worry goyim. This attack is totally unrelated to the constant attacks you’ve been suffering lately. It’s just a routine murder. Go back to playing X-box.


A patient shot a doctor in a university clinic in Berlin on Tuesday before killing himself, but there were “no signs at all” of a link with Islamist militancy, police in the German capital said.

Germany is on edge because of a spate of violent attacks on civilians by men of Middle Eastern or Asian origin since July 18 that have killed 10 people. Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for two of those four attacks before Tuesday.

Angela Merkel

She’s lovin’ it!

Winfrid Wenzel, a spokesman for Berlin police, said the crime took place in the jaw surgery area of an outpatient clinic where the doctor was in a treatment session with the patient.

In the course of the consultation, the patient pulled out a gun and fired several shots at the doctor. The attacker then directly turned the gun on himself and died as a result of the shots,” Wenzel told Reuters TV.

He said police did not yet have information on the suspect’s background, history, personal details or motivation, but added:

“We do not have a single indication that this crime was motivated by extremism or Islamists.”


“This Haki killer’s not a terrorist” – what a crappy meme.

So, they haven’t actually confirmed that the killer is a refugee or even a Muslim. But we know that he is, from the simple fact that if he was a White German they would have shouted it from every roof top immediately. Also, if he wasn’t a Moslem they would never have felt the need to comment on whether he was an “extremist” or a “terrorist.”

But it is an interesting scenario. A lot of question remain unanswered at this point. Off the top of my head:

  1. How did this guy get a gun? Germany has strict gun-control laws.
  2. What did his doctor tell him that prompted him to kill?
  3. Why aren’t security guards checking these Hajis for weapons when they enter hospitals? Seems like an obvious target for terrorism.


Not that gun control actually stops terrorism, as we’ve seen.

If you’ll let me speculate for a moment, I’ll say that the Haji probably didn’t intend to go on a killing spree that day, since he did get a real checkup. If he just wanted to kill that particular doctor he could have done so without receiving the medical procedure first.

What seems more likely is that the doctor diagnosed him either with some dishonorable disease (like some STD) and he killed him because he was insulted, or he diagnosed him with a fatal illness and he decided to do a little Jihad before blowing his brains out.

Either way, this just underlines how dangerous and unstable these people are. They could pull a Jihad on you at any moment.