Berlin: Islamic Jihadi Kid’s Park Stirs-Up Troubles!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2017

I don’t know to what degree liberals used to believe in the idea that the hordes of Moslems they were bringing in would convert to secular atheism. I assume the ridiculous French actually believed that in the 50s.

However, no one can claim to believe that anymore. It is abundantly clear that Moslems do not change their religion simply because you’ve moved them from one geographical location to another. No one can claim to not understand this fact.

And fewer and fewer are attempting to not understand it.

The Merkel Plan is to quite literally convert Germany into an Islamic State.

And to do that, you’ve got to get the kids comfortable with conversion. This is why they teach Islamic prayer in kindergartens now.

And then this.


A newly built children’s playground in Berlin has caused quite a mixed reaction. With one of its playhouses featuring a dome crowned with a crescent moon, some say it represents a mosque, while others claim it’s simply an “oriental castle.”

The park is located in Berlin’s municipality of Neukölln, which is known for its high percentage of residents with immigrant backgrounds. The playground was part of a larger project for which the authorities allocated €220,000.

However, some locals were surprised to see what looked like a mini version of a mosque, complete with a crescent moon and four minarets peeking over the construction fence. Arguing there might be a religious statement behind it, some say that taxpayer money should not be spent on funding such projects.

“Playgrounds are good for children, it is good to invest money in social projects. But in my opinion religion, no matter which one – Christianity, Islam, Judaism – should be private and not be financed by tax payers’ money,” one local resident told Ruptly news agency.

A Twitter user apparently disturbed by the construction has recently posted “Berlin Neukölln. Allahu Akbar!” On Friday, local BZ newspaper, which reported on the site, came out with a headline reading “Berlin builds a playground and what comes is hate, hate, hate.”



Hate is the only reason you would be opposed to having your country invaded and then forcibly converted to a foreign religion as the invaders are given control of your society.

There is literally no other single reason you would not support that happening to you, other than irrational hatred for the color of someone’s skin.