Berlin: Migrant Gang kicks German Girl down Subway Stairs in Random Assault

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 8, 2016

The thing you have to understand though is that this is a part of their culture.

This CCTV footage shows a German girl getting ambushed by a gang of migrants in a Berlin Neukölln Subway station. One of the men viciously kicks the young woman in the back – she tumbles down the stairs, hits her head on the floor and is later treated in the hospital. Another man picks up what appears to be one of her belonging. They then proceed to calmly walk away from the scene while by-passers rush to help her.

The footage of the random attack that happened on the 27th of October around midnight only just surfaced and made it into local German newspapers.

Police are investigating for dangerous assault. It should be noted that the CCTV footage has the faces blurred in most German media, only the attacker’s face is visible.

A follow-up on the story will be posted once more details arise.


German article:…