Bernie Sanders Should Apologize for Killing Christ

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 8, 2016


Jew Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders recently stated that if he was elected, he would make a formal apology to White America for the Jew act of flooding this country with Blacks.

The Hill:

“As a nation — I don’t think as a president, but as a nation — we have got to apologize for slavery,” the 2016 Democratic presidential contender told host Joe Madison on Sirius XM’s “The Black Eagle.”

Sanders said that slavery had caused too much suffering to remain unaddressed.

“Obviously nobody in this generation was involved in slavery,” Sanders said.

“But as a nation, slavery is one of the abominations that our country has experienced,” he continued. “There is no excuse — what can we say about it?”

He is of course referring to the fact that as a Jew, he is responsible for the historical actions of his Jew ancestors, who swamped America in a deluge of Black people.

It’s all good and well for a Jew to apologize for the suffering he caused Whites by bringing all these Blacks into our base, but what I want to know is: will Bernie apologize for murdering Jesus Christ?

He doesn’t need to be President to do that. He doesn’t need to be President to apologize for these Blacks either for that matter.

I support this Jew apologizing to Whites for the wrongs of his evil race.

I would also like an apology for Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen among many, many other things.