Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 7, 2016

The media is fixated presently on a North Korean nuclear test which they are claiming was a hydrogen bomb.
In fact, it appears that it wasn’t a hydrogen bomb, but just a normal nuke, similar to the ones they’ve already tested.
National security experts were quick to express doubt about North Korea’s claim that it tested its first hydrogen bomb on Wednesday. This chart explains why: The seismic effects of the explosion are too similar to previous explosions, in 2013, 2009, and 2006, which were all confirmed as underground nuclear tests. A true hydrogen bomb would have caused a larger seismic reading.
The chart shows seismic activity detected in the northeastern Chinese city of Mudanjiang early this morning compared to the previous explosions, according to scientists at Columbia University’s Earth Institute. The monitor is still for nearly a minute into the reading, followed by two large pulses about eight seconds apart. The shockwaves gradually dissipate after several minutes.
The magnitude of the seismic activity—5.1 on the Richter scale—was on a par with North Korea’s previous tests. The explosive yield was probably, at a minimum, the equivalent of 3.5 kilotons of TNT, according to Columbia’s Won-Young Kim. That’s a smaller yield than the U.S. bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.
Anyway, who cares?
North Korea is (probably) not a major issue. The media is clearly blowing this up (that’s a pun, bro) to distract from all of these other issues we’ve got going on everywhere.

But of course, Obama is ready to go to war over it and the UN is all freaking out.
The U.N. Security Council is set to implement “significant” punitive measures after North Korea’s nuclear test and will begin working on a new resolution “immediately,” a statement released by Security Council President Elbio Rosselli says.
After Wednesday’s meeting, the council, which includes China, Russia and the United States, together condemned the test as a “clear violation of (past) resolutions … and of the nonproliferation regime.”
Along with “strongly condemning” the test, members of the council determined to create a resolution that acts on previous promises to further curb the reclusive state’s ability to further its nuclear weapons program.
The 15-member U.N. Security Council held a closed-door meeting Wednesday geared to preventing Pyongyang from getting more nuclear weapons and punishing it for the test earlier that day.
Past U.N. measures included arms, nonproliferation and luxury good embargoes, a freeze on overseas financial assets and a travel ban. None of them have so far stopped North Korea from continuing its nuclear program.
Meanwhile, U.S. President Barack Obama spoke to the leaders of South Korea and Japan, who both joined the President in condemning the act. Obama reaffirmed the United States’ defense commitments to both of its regional allies.
Let’s get into another war then?
Could be fun.