Beto O Says Trump Definitely is a Russian Agent

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 24, 2019

Charleston town hall with Sen. Kimpson

Gepostet von Beto O'Rourke am Samstag, 23. März 2019

In Beto O’Rourke’s first high school gym speech since the release of the Mueller report, he effectively accused Robert Mueller of being a liar and an agent of Trump and the Russians by saying that Trump actually is both a Russian agent and an obstructer.

“You have a president who, in my opinion, beyond the shadow of a doubt, sought to—however ham-handedly—collude with the Russian government, a foreign power, to undermine and influence our elections,” he said.

“It is beyond the shadow of a doubt that once in office, the president of the United States sought to obstruct justice – first, by firing the principal investigator into what had happened in the 2016 election and then, in the light of day, tweeting at his attorney general to stop the Russia investigation,” O’Rourke continued.

Beto O’Rourke wearing a dress in a punk rock band.

There is no way that Mueller could spend $35 million dollars on a 22 month investigation wherein he was literally allowed to do whatever he wanted and not find evidence of these things if evidence existed. So when Beto says they’re true even though the Mueller says they aren’t true – and we know the report isn’t going to say they’re true, because otherwise someone would have been indicted and charged – he is accusing Mueller of being a Trump/Russia agent.

Apparently, this is just going to be the thing going forward: all of these people are just going to keep saying Trump is a Russian agent, even when a total of three major investigations by the US government have shown that he isn’t. And even though all evidence shows that he’s actually an extreme anti-Russian president, who has continually escalated tensions with that country for no explainable reason (other than that he’s a shill for Jews and/or he’s trying to prove he’s not a Russian agent).

In other Beto news, he said last week that the US’ “special relationship” with Israel violates human dignity.


On Wednesday night, Beto O’Rourke spoke at the University of New Hampshire and said that Palestinian conditions don’t meet American values of “fundamental human rights and human dignity” and that the relationship with Israel is hurting America’s image in the world.

So I’m thinking there’s very little chance he isn’t going to be attacked.

I’m sure he’ll walk that back, but the Jews don’t want to deal with another Obama, going nuts over the human rights of the Palestinians.

Beto is also just a weird random guy who showed up. Like Macron. Macron has not done very well, at all.

The Jews want Kamala or Biden, as both have proven themselves to be good servants of Jews.

I think Beto was bound to fail anyway. I hadn’t actually seen video of him until recently. That thing he does where he flaps his hands all around is completely off-putting, and he is just generally a very strange specimen. People keep saying that women find him attractive, and it is true that women like weak, pathetic, weird men. But I don’t really think that is enough appeal.

His weird face, this cringily manufactured skateboarder thing, the arm flapping, having no platform – all of it is just designed to create a media trainwreck spectacle, not actually to win an election.

This is the last time the Democrats are going to run any white candidates. Certainly the last time any white males will even consider running.

Right now, any random black woman can go out there and tell Beto “you should have no say in the way this country is run, because you’re white,” and he has to agree with her and apologize.

So it’s a funny time.