Daily Stormer
February 3, 2014
Unsurprisingly to normal people, the most corrupt countries are Romania and Bulgaria, as these are the most primitive and poor member states. Then comes Southern Europe. Then, of course, coming in last are the Northern European states.
Why on earth even the Jews thought it was a good idea to combine the standards of Germany, France and England with those of countries living in third world conditions, who have no real concept of development, is still unclear.
From the Christian Science Monitor:
the extent of corruption across Europe, revealed in a first-of-its kind report today, is “breathtaking,” European Union Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström told Sweden’s Goeteborgs-Posten newspaper.
The report says that none of the 28 members of the EU is immune from corruption, and that it costs their economies a total of $162.2 billion a year.
The findings hurt the image of the EU overall, but they’ll do more harm to certain countries, particularly those hit worst by economic crisis and the newest full-fledged members, Romania and Bulgaria.
Ms. Malmström said in a statement released ahead of the report that “corruption undermines citizens’ confidence in democratic institutions and the result of law, it hurts the European economy, and deprives states of much-needed tax revenue,” she said. “Member states have done a lot in recent years to fight corruption, but today’s report shows that it is far from enough.”
The report is good news for the north. “Answers confirm a positive perception and low experience of bribery in the case of Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, and Sweden,” it notes. These residents say they’ve rarely paid a bribe – less than one percent – and the percentage of those saying they believe corruption is widespread at home (20 percent, 29 percent, 42 percent and 44 percent respectively) is significantly below the EU average of 76 percent.It’s not such good news for the south, however. In Portugal, Spain, and Italy, almost everyone feels corruption is widespread, at 90 percent, 95 percent, and 97 percent respectively (even though the actual act of bribe-paying in these countries is less than 3 percent). The European Commission concludes that recent political scandals and the economic and financial crisis have contributed to their disillusionment.
The people of Europe are not the same. Force integrating them though this EU program simply doesn’t work.
There are good things about Southern and Eastern Europeans too. Aspects of their culture that I think are better than those of Northern Europe. But they are always going to be more corrupt, always going to have slightly lesser economies – this is simply a plain reality.