Big-Titty Brazilian Lawmaker Wears Whore Suit and Sieg Heils in Assembly

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 7, 2019

The story isn’t the sieg heil. That is just the picture that is being shown with the story.

I don’t know why she did that sieg heil. I can’t picture how you would accidentally make that pose.

But yes, this is about her tits.

And that she’s suing people for making fun of her for letting them hang out.


Politicians are normally judged by what they do rather than on what they wear, but one lawmaker in Brazil has caused a stir over her ‘revealing’ first-day outfit choice and says she’ll sue those abusing her online.

Ana Paula da Silva, known locally as Paulinha, had previously served two stints as a city mayor before being elected to the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina’s Legislative Assembly in October. But she rose to wider public attention in January, after pictures posted from the assembly’s opening day went viral and began to garner some unsavory attention.

The striking red outfit with the plunging neckline that the state deputy wore was quick to attract comments online. Some immediately questioned if it was the right place for her to wear it.

Many were scathing in their assessment calling her the “representative of prostitutes” and some even making references to rape.

Paulinha struck back at the worst of the trolls on Monday, saying that her team has made copies of the offending comments. They will be filed as part of a lawsuit to bring the most malicious commenters to justice, among them a police officer in the state. Any compensation she receives will be donated to a charity of abused women.

Wearing a whore costume is as appropriate as anything politicians do, and saying a woman deserves to be raped is redundant.

Suing people from the internet though is not really the best course of action. Instead, she should start normalizing slut costumes in the state assembly.

Having a bunch of hookers in hooker clothes running governments would be a major improvement.