Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 9, 2015

We just won.
Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who was jailed last week after she defied a court’s order that she issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, was released on Tuesday.
In a two-page order issued Tuesday, the judge who sent her to jail, David L. Bunning of Federal District Court, said he would release Ms. Davis because he was satisfied that her office was “fulfilling its obligation to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples.”
Ms. Davis appeared about 2:30 with her lawyer, Mathew D. Staver, and Mike Huckabee, the Republican presidential candidate and former governor of Arkansas. Asked if Ms. Davis would issue licenses to same-sex couples, Mr. Staver said she would not violate her conscience.
In releasing Ms. Davis, Judge Bunning directed that she not “interfere in any way, directly or indirectly, with the efforts of her deputy clerks to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples.” He said any such action would be regarded as “a violation” of his release order.
We beat the faggot lobby, guys.

This is huge.
I don’t thank Mike Huckabee, who is a Jew-loving cuckolded faggot, and I believe he had nothing at all to do with this, any more than Alex Jones had to do with the defense of Bundy Ranch. He is a huckster snake attaching himself onto a victory of the White race over the forces of organized kikery.

Despite the fact that Cuckabee was involved and on some level polluted the whole thing, we should all raise a glass to Kim, brave fighter of the Jew-driven GRIDS-ridden filth destroying this country.
This comes after the Jewish ethnic activist Evan Osnos conceded to calling us “White nationalists” instead of “White supremacists.”