BIG WIN: Sarah Silverman Says She’s Scared of the American Flag Because She’s Jewish!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 15, 2017

This is what I am trying to tell you people: nationalism scares Jews.

The American flag scares Jews.

Random “fascist” flags you made in Photoshop do not scare Jews nearly as much as the one that has represented our W H I T E nation for over 200 years.


On her show I Love You, America With Sarah Silverman, she proves without a doubt that her program is deceptively titled with this little anecdote:

“I had a boyfriend many years ago, he was my first boyfriend who had his own house, and one day I went outside to see what he was doing, and he was hoisting an American flag up the flagpole in his front yard. And I instantly felt very weird. It didn’t make sense, but I felt this feeling of like, um, I felt scared – yeah, I felt scared. So I was like, ‘Uh, what are you doing?’ and he said, ‘Raising the flag,’ and I was like, ‘Why?’ and he’s like, ‘Um, because I love America?’ and I was like, ‘Right, right, of course.’ But inside I was shaken,” started Silverman.

But wait, it gets worse when she is able to identify the source of her disturbing feelings:

“I called my sister Susie to tell her what happened. Now, maybe you’re thinking, ‘What do you mean what happened? Nothing happened, your boyfriend put an American flag up at his own house.’ No, you’re totally right, I had no idea why I was freaking out. I just – I had this very visceral reaction and my sister, who knows shit because she’s a rabbi in Israel, explained to me, she was like, ‘Dude, nationalism is innately terrifying for Jews. Think about it: flags, marching, blind allegiance? These things tend to ring a bell for us.’ Right. Of course. Duh. It made sense,” said Silverman.

“Inherently terrifying for Jews.”

That’s it.

There you go.

American flags are not just good optics for our fellow goyim, they are what is going to strike fear into the heart of the eternal kike enemy.

Do not be seduced by edgy anti-nationalism and white communism being forced on the Alt-Right by confused or deviant characters. We are not redesigning the wheel here.

Fuentism is the viable form of American Nationalism.

It scares the Jews.

It is good optics.

And remember: this is the theme song.