Biggest Grooming Case in Swedish History Lands Moslem in Jail

The Muslim Issue
June 11, 2015

Amin Muktar Ali Burhan will now be treated better than a prince living in Africa, with all the modern facilities that a Swedish jail has to offer.
Amin Muktar Ali Burhan will now be treated better than a prince living in Africa, with all the modern facilities that a Swedish jail has to offer.

Why jail? Outsource his beheading to Saudi Arabia for $50. He gets his Sharia and Islam, while his victims get justice. And the Swedish government should make sure they are there to see his head roll or the Saudi’s would most likely lie and release him since crimes against non-Muslims are no crimes in Islam.

The Swedes assume this is the biggest case of pedophilia in their country. They will soon find that it’s only the tip of the iceberg. In the UK authorities discovered that Muslims have groomed over 1 million children into sex slavery, threatening to behead their parents and siblings if they object or tell anyone of what was happening. Muslims injected these children with drugs and filled them with alcohol to sell them in gang rape to other Muslim pedophiles of all ages. Imagine, a population of a mere 4% (roughly, according to official figures) is responsible for ONE MILLION underaged sex slaves. It’s unfathomable.

Sweden today, already preparing themselves for the Islamic takeover by translating all signs so Muslims need not bother to learn the language or integrate. Sign reads “Children’s food, Diapers, Pacifiers” – from store in Dalarna in Sweden. The welfare cost burden of Muslims breeding like roaches is of courses added onto the working native population
Sweden today, already preparing themselves for the Islamic takeover by translating all signs so Muslims need not bother to learn the language or integrate. Sign reads “Children’s food, Diapers, Pacifiers” – from store in Dalarna in Sweden. The welfare cost burden of Muslims breeding like roaches is of courses added onto the working native population.

Last Thursday 29-year-old paeodophile  Amin Muktar Ali Burhan (pictured to the right) was sentenced to 7 years in jail for sexually abusing 65 girls on the internet, where he coerced them into performing sexually degrading acts in front of a webcam.

He was convicted of aggravated sexual assault, gross exploitation of a child for sexual posing, child pornography offenses and aggravated libel and was sentenced to seven years in prison and approximately five million kronor in damages.

Amin who lives in the immigrant ghetto Husby in Stockholm together with his family worked as a computer consultant at Emineo AB. He has been convicted of exploiting children for sexual posing previously but was not deported.

This was the biggest “grooming” case in Sweden’s history with regards to the number of victims, 68 girls aged 11-20.

By not revealing his picture or his name and instead describing him as an “IT-consultant” from Stockholm the mainstream media have attempted cover-up the fact that Amin Muktar Ali Burhan is an immigrant from the Middle East.

For some reason the same standard is not applied to native Swedish criminals such as Anders Eklund and Niklas Lindgren.