Bill Ackman Endorses Trump After Ear Shot (Also Elon Musk)

Elon’s endorsement was very predictable, because he thinks if he can elect Republicans they will get the government off of his back about his death trap cars and fake advertisements, as well as keep buying his useless exploding spaceships and low-orbit space trash.

But Bill Ackman endorsing Trump… that means that we’re no longer in the realm of “Israel, Inc.” supporting Trump, but the realm of “Big Jew, In General” supporting Trump.

Business Insider:

Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman has officially come out in support of former president Donald Trump’s re-election campaign, following an assassination attempt at a Trump rally on Saturday.

“I am going to formally endorse @realDonaldTrump,” Ackman wrote on X on Saturday night. “I came to this decision some time ago as many @X followers have already understood from my supportive posts of Trump and my criticisms of @POTUS Biden.”

Ackman reiterated that his decision to support Trump was not a temporary lapse of judgement spurred by the sudden attack, but the product of careful reflection. He also said he believed the upcoming election will be one of the most consequential of his life.

The Hill:

Billionaire Elon Musk endorsed former President Trump’s campaign after an assassination attempt on the former president at a Saturday rally, marking a turning point for Musk and his political shift toward the right in recent years.

“I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery,” Musk wrote in a post on his social platform X, alongside a video of the former president standing and raising his fist after being shot in the ear.

Since posting his initial endorsement Saturday, Musk has posted and reposted dozens of posts on X in support of Trump.

Meanwhile, Jews are suspending money to Biden.

I’m sort of exhausted by talking about the details of the “assassination attempt.”

It was a staged event or a Secret Service stand down, or both, but it was not a legitimate “deep state” hit by the CIA. Those are the only details I care about.

What matters more are the ramifications. The ramifications are that he is not only going to “win” the fake election, but sweep in with an overwhelming mandate as a Caesar God-King figure.

And with Trump solidly in the pocket of the Jews, this does not bode well.

If anyone was hoping the shooting would be a “come to Jesus” moment – hours afterwards, he picked JD Vance, an Ultra-Shill for the Jews, as his VP mate.

Vance’s views on Israel and Jews are identical to those of Nikki Haley.

So, so much for the “come to Jesus” theory.

Immediately after the shooting, Trump kneeled down to take a bukkake from the Jews by putting Vance on his ticket.

Just So You Understand

Bill Ackman is a Jewish hedge fund billionaire, who has traditionally supported Democrats and leftist causes.

Ackman is not an Sheldon Adelson “Israel First” type. He’s maybe become that since October 7, being involved in all kinds of psychological warfare operations against the American people and using his donations to Ivy League schools (which were used to teach BLM and tranny theory) as a leverage to get multiple heads of universities fired for allowing anti-Israel protests.

Ackman symbolizes that it is not just Israel behind Trump, it is Jews in general – at least power Jews.

At the same time, Jews are attempting to suspend or pull back money from the Biden campaign. And it looks like the Democrats and the media have stalled, or perhaps given up, on trying to replace Biden.

Even if they do replace Biden, the media has already crowned Donald Trump. Because elections in the United States are not decided by votes, the fact that the media is saying he is going to win effectively means that they’ve already called the election, and he is now President Elect.

You Know My Gaza-to-Iran Pipeline Argument

Since October, I’ve argued that Bibi let October 7th happen with the plan to use it as a springboard to take out all of his enemies in one fell swoop. The next phase is an invasion of southern Lebanon. The culmination is dragging the US into a war with Iran (probably through Yemen).

Right now, there is nothing standing in Bibi’s way.

This would happen regardless of who won the election. Even if whatever president didn’t want it to happen, AIPAC controls Congress so brutally that no president would have any choice but to go along with Bibi’s plan.

It’s going to be a lot worse to have the Great White Hope leading this charge.

I Do Not Support Voting

I have officially endorsed not voting, as I believe by signing that paper, you are consenting to the system, and none of these candidates represent Americans. The closest that comes to representing Americans is RFK Jr., but he is now some really extreme Jew-lover, and anyway, he can’t win.

I am advising my readers to not vote, and thereby withdraw consent to be governed by an illegitimate criminal gang.

I am also advising my readers to purchase a Turbo Diesel Toyota Hilux.

What we want is power. Power to change the system.

I have argued, very convincingly, that power does not come from voting.

Power comes from the bed of a Toyota Hilux