Patrick Cleburne
January 19, 2016

H/T photo
Thanks to the Trump Wrecking Ball Bill Clinton’s sexual habits have been reopened as a topic for public discussion (Drudge today carries Breitbart’s Juanita Broaddrick Says Bill Clinton Called Her Repeatedly After Alleged Rape 17 Jan 2016 and showcases their devastating Linda Tripp: ‘Bill Had Affairs with Thousands of Women’ 17 Jan 2016). So on MLK Day it is quite appropriate to recall St Martin had quite a rap sheet in this area too.
In 2011 I posted MLK in Oslo: It was the Blondes
In An MLK Day Grovel From National Review, I light-heartedly suggested that the reason King stayed in Oslo for the full Nobel Peace Prize ceremony unlike President Obama was probably that he liked blondes (who in Norway have to be seen to be believed). A reader points out that Michael Eric Dyson`s MLK biography I May Not Get There With You verifies this:
…Evidently the MLK visit to Oslo was quite a circus. Communist Bayard Rustin is quoted about being summoned by the hotel to deal with a prostitute who had stolen from several of the King entourage. He added
There had been other women running through the hotel like chickens without their heads, looking for Martin. And all the guys were putting it to them, if the girls (had sex with them) first, they`d see she got to Martin. (P347)
It is standard operating procedure to deplore the FBI surveillance of King’s escapades. But as James Fulford noted in When Records Are Sealed—A Meditation On Martin Luther King Day
Obama became a Senator because of the same kind of investigation that J. Edgar Hoover conducted on Martin Luther King—the difference being that the Democrats in the media (possibly with the help of David Axelrod) went public with the details, unlike Hoover.
Oh, and unlike Hoover, they didn`t have a lot of embarrassing facts on tape—just a lot of accusations. But it was enough to get Obama in the Senate.