Bill Cosby Mistrial Declared – Jury Split

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 17, 2017

The thing here is, Cosby couldn’t have done anything wrong, because colored people do not have agency.

Plus, black rape is an anti-Negroid canard.


The high-profile case accusing Bill Cosby of aggravated indecent assault ended in a mistrial Saturday after a Pennsylvania jury was unable to come to a unanimous decision.

The outcome leaves one of America’s most recognized entertainers as well as his accusers without vindication, but prosecutors immediately announced they will retry the case.

About an hour into the sixth day of deliberations, Judge Steven O’Neill declared that the jury of seven men and five woman were hopelessly deadlocked in a legal battle closely watched by the public as well as dozens of women who have accused Cosby of similar misconduct in the past.

“Do not feel like you’ve let the justice system down,” O’Neill told the jurors, who labored for more than 53 hours and asked 12 questions of the court during deliberations.

Addressing Cosby, who appeared stoic and calm at the inconclusive finale of his trial, O’Neill said: “It’s not a failure or a victory,”

Yeah because he’s high on his own supply of Methaqualone.

Stoic as a muffugguh.

Outside court, Cosby, 79, was silent, but spokesman Andrew Wyatt pumped his fist in air and declared that Cosby’s “power is back.” A spokeswoman for Cosby’s wife, Camille, delivered a statement blasting the prosecution, judge and media:

“How do I describe the District Attorney? Heinously and exploitively ambitious. How do I describe the judge? Overtly and arrogantly collaborating with the District Attorney. How do I describe the counsels for the accusers? Totally unethical. How do I describe many, but not all, general media? Blatantly vicious entities that continually disseminated intentional omissions of truths for the primary purpose of greedily selling sensationalism at the expense of a human life.

Angela Agrusa, a member of Cosby’s legal team, also took aim at the prosecution.

“Juries are stuck when a prosecutor seeks to put someone in prison for things that are simply not presented in the courtroom,” she said. “And the jury stuck to what they were asked to do and that is to review the evidence before them and there simply wasn’t enough.”

Cosby lawyer Brian McMonagle thanked the jurors and said, “We came here looking for an acquittal but like that Rolling Stones song says, ‘You can’t always get what you want. But sometimes you get what you need.’ “

Obviously, the jury was locked along racial lines.

And that will just keep happening.

Blacks will convict other blacks of crimes, but only if the crimes are against other blacks. Not if they’re against whites.

This is the whole “jury of your peers” concept. But when it is your peer against a non-peer, then what?

One of the many quandaries of the multicult.