Bill Cuckton Apologizes for Telling Negroes to Stfu and Stop Being Criminals

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 11, 2016


Cuckton has cucked out.

But please, keep spreading the meme that his wife is planning on putting every Black man in prison.

New York Times:

Former President Bill Clinton said Friday that he regretted drowning out the chants of black protesters at a rally in Philadelphia the day before, when he issued an aggressive defense of his administration’s impact on black families. His reaction thrust a debate about the 1990s into the center of his wife’s presidential campaign, one that has focused heavily on issues of race and criminal justice.

“I know those young people yesterday were just trying to get good television,” Mr. Clinton said Friday of the Black Lives Matter protesters who had accused him and Hillary Clinton of supporting policies that devastated black communities. “But that doesn’t mean that I was most effective in answering it.”

He then said 15 Hail Trayvons live on television.

Hail Trayvon, full of innocence.
Our skittles are with thee.
Blessed art thou among dindus,
and blessed is the fruit of thy drink, ice tea.
Holy Trayvon, Son of Obama,
pray for us racists,
now and at the hour of the New York primaries.