Daily Stormer
March 17, 2014
Wow, Bill gates looks like the crypt-keeper.
I didn’t realize.

Bill Gates explained to George Stepenapopopolous on “This Week” that this is not a federal takeover of education, it is not a plot of any sort. It is just to fix the education system, which apparently he thought was broken.
The fact is, it is a Marxist system intent on dragging down capable Whites to the level of incapable non-Whites by infusing a once-logical education system with utter gibberish.
I think you should leave America, Mr. Gates. Take your crappy unusable Windows 8 and superfluous X-Box One with you to Africa, where you can learn them good with Common Core. You can go ahead and take the American blacks with you.
By the way you creep, when are you going to sterilize those African children like Alex Jones keeps saying you’re going to do? We are sort of running out of time on that one, buddy.

You’d better get on that now Gates, you creepy freak – you are about to send us down Cripple Creek!
Someone has to sterilize these people, Gates!
Alex Jones told me you were the hero we need!