Bill Maher Guest Says Trump is Literally Hitler

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 14, 2016



Raw Story:

Journalist and Intercept co-founder Jeremy Scahill warned Bill Maher and his Real Time panel on Friday not to downplay Donald Trump’s ascendance to the top of the Republican Party.

“I believe that what we’re seeing with Trump has whiffs of how Hitler rose to power,” Scahill said.

Scahill argued that Trump’s anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim campaign rhetoric gave public voice to what he called “a significant minority of the population,” which caused it to feel emboldened enough to openly espouse their own bigoted beliefs.

“Trump has brought to the public the fact that we have a real strain of fascism in this country,” he told Maher.

This is actually how these people think: anything to do with White people being White is Hitlerian fascism.

It isn’t just open White Nationalists that are labeled this way.

Trump has never even said anything directly pro-White or racist – still he’s Hitler.

Trump Promises Paul Ryan That He’ll Sound Slightly Less Like Hitler - The New Yorker


This is why I tell these ninnying tone-police faggots trying to infiltrate the Alt-Right that you absolutely must not try to deny Hitler and always instead deny the Holocaust.

No one has to go out there and say “Hitler was awesome, we need a new Nazi Reich.” There isn’t a problem with me or others on the internet saying that, obviously, but people trying to be more professional probably shouldn’t say it.

They just need to stop being on the defensive when confronted by the Jews.


It’s very, very simple.

So, asked about Hitler:

“I think Hitler is misunderstood, I think a lot of lies have been told about him.”

Asked about the Holocaust:

“You know, a lot of serious historians believe that the Holocaust was wartime atrocity propaganda. Whatever the case, nationalism doesn’t necessitate mass gassings.”

And of course they will print “HITLER-LOVING HOLOCAUST DENIER.” But they were going to print something similar anyway. And in this case, when you’ve said it straight, instead of being on the defensive, you can just shrug and say “I don’t love Hitler and I’m not a Holocaust denier, I simply believe we’ve been told a lot of lies and I’m not going to pretend I believe in these lies.”

It’s very. Simple.

You completely neutralize their narrative by refusing to bow to their narrative.

Otherwise you just look like a weak, lying coward.

And that image appeals to exactly no one.

Man up, faggots.

The time is now.